I asked him how I made him feel. The answer was unlike any I have ever heard before, it was the truth. I asked him how I make him feel and the answer was one word. REAL was how he said I made him feel.
I understand why,it's because real recognizes real. I always go on about a lack of real men but I was blessed enough to have met one. You know who you are. This one is just for you. You taught me the most valuable lesson a woman can ever learn and that is.. Love is not found in between the legs.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Let sleeping dogs lie
The plans we make when we are young and the way life turns out ne? Who would have thought that I would sill be holding a book till the wee hours of the morning? A book as in a text freaking book! Not a brief or planner but a damn textbook.There are days I wake up and want to yell out at the top of my voice THIS IS NOT MY LIFE!!!!
I had it all figured out. Like I am a control freak so you best belee I had my life planned to a T. I was supposed to be some hot shot something, in an office with a view by now. Where am I you ask? Wouldn't we all like to know, all you have to know is I am getting my sh#t in order. My five year target came and whizzed past and I am still here,stunned that I did not meet it. I panic at the thought of going home, I have become one of those characters we heard about, you know which ones I'm talking about? The ones that went to conquer and did not not or rarely come back. But then I remind myself of who I am, I don't believe in quitting,there is just something about giving up that just shows weakness and since I am strong, baby I am seeing this through.
I am not an idiot to my defence,never have and the nice thing is everyone knows that. I have a very good head above my shoulders but I have unfortunately needed time to find my feet. I always ask myself what people say when they are gathered in my absence. I asked my friend the other day and what she said reminded me of who I am. I told her they probably say "will she ever come back?" or "what is she still doing there?" then my favourite "will she ever be done?". With all those questions I know people ask themselves and never me and whatever answers they give to make them sleep at night, one thing is certain and that is at the conclusion of those conversations one wise one out of the lot will say "she might be taking her time, but the minute she is done,well..."
The moral of the story is, there are many ways to get to Johannesburg the city of gold. Some take the fast route and rush there and some take their time,enjoy the ride and take in the scenery. At the end of the day we will meet up at the last floor e Carlton Centre. This dog is sleeping. Just you wait till it awakens...ivuka no laka.
I had it all figured out. Like I am a control freak so you best belee I had my life planned to a T. I was supposed to be some hot shot something, in an office with a view by now. Where am I you ask? Wouldn't we all like to know, all you have to know is I am getting my sh#t in order. My five year target came and whizzed past and I am still here,stunned that I did not meet it. I panic at the thought of going home, I have become one of those characters we heard about, you know which ones I'm talking about? The ones that went to conquer and did not not or rarely come back. But then I remind myself of who I am, I don't believe in quitting,there is just something about giving up that just shows weakness and since I am strong, baby I am seeing this through.
I am not an idiot to my defence,never have and the nice thing is everyone knows that. I have a very good head above my shoulders but I have unfortunately needed time to find my feet. I always ask myself what people say when they are gathered in my absence. I asked my friend the other day and what she said reminded me of who I am. I told her they probably say "will she ever come back?" or "what is she still doing there?" then my favourite "will she ever be done?". With all those questions I know people ask themselves and never me and whatever answers they give to make them sleep at night, one thing is certain and that is at the conclusion of those conversations one wise one out of the lot will say "she might be taking her time, but the minute she is done,well..."
The moral of the story is, there are many ways to get to Johannesburg the city of gold. Some take the fast route and rush there and some take their time,enjoy the ride and take in the scenery. At the end of the day we will meet up at the last floor e Carlton Centre. This dog is sleeping. Just you wait till it awakens...ivuka no laka.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Pain Killers?
If you have been hurt before and you know how it feels,then how would you intentionally inflict that on somebody else? That pain that can not be seen or touched but only felt. I think everyone will agree with me when I say, it's better to feel pain for something you can see, like a scratch or a cut and the fact that there's pain killers for that kind of pain makes it all that bearable. There is no drug in the world that can cure heartbreak.
So I ask again, how do you intentionally do that to somebody else if you know how it really feels? I always say that once you feel something someone else has felt then you can empathise. Empathising means you feel with someone, not for someone because you understand how it feels. I refuse to believe we all don't know what disappointment and rejection feels like. We all do, so why do some of us insist on continuing this vicious cycle.
I just feel like there are people out there who are intent on ruining it for everybody else. The so called broken people. They are broken because they don't want to get over what ever happened to them and cant let go of whoever disappointed and rejected them. So what do they do or rather what will they do? They will make every person they meet feel exactly how they feel inside and that is unworthy to be loved..Sad but true.
So I ask again, how do you intentionally do that to somebody else if you know how it really feels? I always say that once you feel something someone else has felt then you can empathise. Empathising means you feel with someone, not for someone because you understand how it feels. I refuse to believe we all don't know what disappointment and rejection feels like. We all do, so why do some of us insist on continuing this vicious cycle.
I just feel like there are people out there who are intent on ruining it for everybody else. The so called broken people. They are broken because they don't want to get over what ever happened to them and cant let go of whoever disappointed and rejected them. So what do they do or rather what will they do? They will make every person they meet feel exactly how they feel inside and that is unworthy to be loved..Sad but true.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Man Up!
Need help?
Blessed Sunday to all. Today I would like to share with
you words that remind me of a place I spent most of my childhood in, church.
These words were written in bold at the podium. At the time I used to read them
but I don’t think I quiet understood what they meant cause of age perhaps.
Now that I am older and wiser I understand that I have a
helper and protector, who always furthers and has my best interests at heart.
Him and only him, no one else. He watches over me and walks with me all the
days of my life. There is no difference between night and day, he is there always.
His word is the lamp to my feet and light for my path. He gets there before me
and his answers are always yes and Amen. Praise be to God today and forever.
song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my
help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of
heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches
over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither
slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is
your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch
over your life;
8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and
Psalms 23
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.
Psalm 23
Friday, 9 November 2012
Enter at your
own risk.
Is there life
after death? Go through my phone and find out! Yes you guessed right we are
touching on a big problem in our society ladies and gents and that is…a big
kiss for the genius who’s on the same page, drumroll please. PRIVACY!
Not only is this
a right contained and protected by the Bill of Rights in the highest law of our
country, the Constitution BUT it is also a principle we should all hold and
respect. We live in an era where it’s ok to touch somebody else’s private parts
but not their cell phone.
I got a
handle on privacy at the tender age of 11 from my dearest mom. She taught me
one thing after an incident that got her to rethink her stance on the matter of
respecting somebody else’s privacy. What she told me was simple, if you go
looking, you will find exactly what you’re looking for and when you do don’t act
surprised you knew it was there, you wanted confirmation and you got it . She
told me that the hardest test a woman foolishly puts herself through is playing
detective and finding exactly what she was looking for and then some, and then
having to hold it all together and act like she didn’t.
Knowing my temper
and flare for the dramatics I don’t think containing myself would be an option,
can you say SET THE HOUSE ON FIRE WHILE HIS SLEEPING in one short breath? So to
avoid that I employ what I was taught and that is to RESPECT somebody else’s
property accompanied by the wisest piece of advice I have ever heard and that
is: ubo funda ukuba i silima. Direct translation “learn to act like an idiot.”
With some
raised eyebrows I know some real life idiots who are not acting are raising
arms at my previous statement. If you are, sit down. The operative word is ACT.
Yes it’s a tall order but it’s a survival mechanism, trust. Ahem! Point of
correction just because you act like an idiot does not mean you are one. It’s
better than acting like the genius you are who relies on her or his intuition and
acts on it. It’s simple if you found a person with 32 teeth it means that they
are an adult and they will do what they want to do whe they want to. Why welcome unwanted
drama by looking for things that have nothing to do with you to begin with?
Or maybe it’s
just my mom and I, but then again she has been with the same man since high
school and they are still together. So what does that mean except that minding
your own business works? It means that curiosity killed the cat, so unless you
want to enjoy those 9 lives, stop sneaking around. The exception of course is
if you stumble on something incriminating by mistake of course. Sorry to break
it to you but stumbling on something by mistake happens if maybe for example
you want to check your e mails with his laptop or IiPad and he neglected to
close a conversation and there it is. In those cases my initial advice would be
to politely close it, BUT if the subject is in your face and it alludes to
funny business then you are exempted, sit back and enjoy the read.
adults talk and confront whatever insecurities they might have. Dialogue between people in a
relationship is important, if you confront someone based on your strong
suspicions and they tell you what you think it’s what they think you want to
hear, so be it. Let it be, do not question or probe further. I’m sorry but if
someone respects you enough to keep some things hidden, be thankful and let
sleeping dogs lie. Unless you are a masochist who enjoys
self-inflicting pain then you are excused. If not, keep your sticky
fingers to yourself.
I would
personally slap a b#tch silly if she violated my privacy and then confronted me
about it. What purpose does it serve at the end of the day though? You ordered
and got your just desserts served hot and now you want to scream and cause
drama? Get the fuck out of here. I prefer acting over wet pillows and migraines
any day, call me crazy. If you don’t trust someone its simple really, it’s
either you shouldn’t be with them or you have serious insecurities and need a psychologist.
Read books or my blog but not somebody else’s texts or chat history.
If you are
sure of yourself and what you have with someone, all you have to be is a
faithful partner and not a Private Investigator whose remuneration is heart
break and insomnia. I choose ignorance in this case any day. We always say what
we don’t know won’t hurt us, obviously whoever came up with that got hurt from
trying to find out what they were not supposed to know in the first place.Texts and call records, really? Little girls and boys have a lot of time on
their hands honestly; women and men on the other hand don’t and are doing serious
things with their time which does not include sticking their noses where it
does not belong.
Then there
are those sorry excuses of human beings who take it a step further and go
through their partners Facebook accounts?! I would not slap a b*tch silly
there, I would shoot them dead on the spot. There’s violation and then there is just
plain pathetic. I think it’s time people stopped being the relationship and try
being in one. If you don’t trust someone then leave, trust is the foundation of
any solid relationship and if it’s not there here’s some advice..Go find it
elsewhere. If respecting somebodies privacy is a discipline, then yours truly
is a master with a black belt who will hold classes and you can call me,SENSEI.
I am so disciplined, my partners communication devises are invisible; they don’t
exist in my head from the minute I walk into the door to the minute I walk out.
What does that make me? I will tell you what that makes me, it makes me sane.
What does
your knowing or finding out really help, someone please make me understand. It
does help something though and that is the quick deterioration of what would
have turned out to be something great. Because after that the relationship is
marred and tainted with yours truly, doubt. You need to care about yourself enough
to not care about other things of absolutely no importance. The next time the
devil whispers cram the password or open the messages, shout back “when hell
freezes over!”
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Saving the BEST for last..
When we first talked to each other
I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing
And I'll be here for you to the end.
You listen when I have a problem
And help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow
And put happiness in its place.
We can't forget the fun we've had
Laughing 'til our faces turn blue.
Talking of things only we find funny
People think we're insane-If they only knew!
I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall.
Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.
- Rachel Ellis
This is a very special one. So special that it took me
the whole day to muster the courage to write it. Thinking of the words chokes
me up so much I have tears in my eyes as we speak.
It all started with this “Where did you say you got the
Government Gazette?” Four years and a couple of months later I’m am still the
happiest woman in the world. Out of all the relationships and friendships,
short and long, you have been the most real.
I know you always go on about how everyone gets a feature
and you don’t and I always tell you I save the BEST for last. That is what you
are my BEST FRIEND. God sent you at a time when I had lost hope in both men and
friendship. He sent me an embodiment of both. I always say there are not enough
words and in your case I really mean there are not enough words, or maybe they
are but I am too emotional to remember them all.
Today is your Birthday, and you deserve something that you’ve
always been and that is special. When people walked out of my life you entered
and stayed. You made my heart your home. Speaking of home, you are the only man
I have ever brought home. We have had our fair share of ups and downs but the love
and mutual respect we have for each other always pulled us through. We grew up together;
I am a better person because I have you in my life.
If there is ever one person who got it from day one,
accepted it with no questions and never let go, that is you. I’m sorry to break
it to you but I am keeping you for life. You are part of who I am. I thought
about copying and pasting another person’s words but how could that possibly
define an ORIGINAL? Every word comes from a place that a very few, including
you have seen and have access to and that is my heart. A heart I thought no one
could ever match, until I met you.
Toni Braxton once sang “let me count the ways”, well let
me. You were there when no one else was, people throw that around but they don’t
know what it really means, but you gave it definition. You wiped my tears more
times than a Kleenex, you picked me up more times than I fell, at times I think
you were always there waiting just in case. I look back and think about all the
times you could have left but you never, you stayed true to what we found in
each other even though there were times I didn’t see it.
Call us Will and Grace or Carrie and Stanford, whatever
you choose we are fabulous either way. It’s been a journey but I enjoyed every
bend and turn although I complained more times than I care to remember. You
have never left my side or let go of my hand. Here is to your 24th
and the next 24 years together. There is no Ms_Curvy without you my Fairy.
Having you in my life has made it feel like a fairy tale, you really are a
magical creature.
Men and money come and go, so did most groupies we
mistook as friends but you and I are forever. So from me to you HAPPY BIRTHDAY
KABELO SEAKGOE may God continue to bless you and your beautiful heart. You
deserve and will receive so much more. My love for you is infinite and most
importantly constant. Oh! My André Leon Talley the Editor at Large of my life,
I hope this is fitting for you on your special day.
Instead of 24 candles on your cake, I thought 24 snapshots of your life and all those who hold you close to them is is even better!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Monday, 5 November 2012
So I get that there is a lot of misconceptions about my blog and the fact that some people think its based on fashion. Ok ya so fashion does play an integral part in my life, but like most people I appreciate it but its not a passion. With that said I''m not saying snub any future pieces I might publish on trends.
So to set the record straight once and for all, think of this page as F.U.B.U. Yes! For Us By Us. This is a reflection of not only my life,tastes,inspirations and experiences but yours as well, as I do believe I cater for everyone and their different pallet's. Our heads are more or less in the same place right? If not..I think its time you realign yours!
So to set the record straight once and for all, think of this page as F.U.B.U. Yes! For Us By Us. This is a reflection of not only my life,tastes,inspirations and experiences but yours as well, as I do believe I cater for everyone and their different pallet's. Our heads are more or less in the same place right? If not..I think its time you realign yours!
I am not a politician, far from it actually but with Mangaung looming and the current political climate in our country I think it's time I stoppped being a passive spectator and actually expressed my views on this very divided issue.
Should be interesting, stay tuned!
Kind Regards
Should be interesting, stay tuned!
Kind Regards
Friday, 2 November 2012
Wizard of Oz
Re-visiting some of my old posts makes me feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ, we are no longer in Kansas,Toto.. All of this is so surreal, I hoped it would happen but never in my wildest imagination did I ever imagine like this. This is testament to the fact that GOD has bigger plans for us.
I had hoped I would post this just in time for my 5000th view but alas 98 of you beat me to it. Yes you guessed right I have surpassed even my own biggest expectations. And they say expectations lead to giant failures HA!
Yours in kind
I had hoped I would post this just in time for my 5000th view but alas 98 of you beat me to it. Yes you guessed right I have surpassed even my own biggest expectations. And they say expectations lead to giant failures HA!
Yours in kind
Cut from a different CLOTH.
"Fashions fade, style is

Q. Who is your style icon?

Q. Item of clothing which every man needs in his wardrobe
A. A
black slim tie, crisp white shirt, well-tailored black blazer. These are must
haves for any man.
Q. Style

Q. Tailored suites vs. Baggy

Q. What item of clothing do you like best
on a woman?

Q. The
shop that no man must ever walk in

A. A
pair of Jeans I got for R 4500

Q. Favourite
A. I
can’t single out one simply because I appreciate good work and taste all round.

My fashion mantra…
A. Fashion
doesn't define me. I define fashion.

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