This one is to my father, who put a spring in my step. My father is the best, aint no man alive that can take my daddies place. In a world where people value material things, I was born of and raised by someone who values principle. Ever heard when someone says I see God in you? Well I see him in my father. Isn't that more reason to know,fear , respect and love God?
This man gave me the gift of music. Music I think is one thing that resonates in most of my pieces. That should give one a glimpse of how much I love, appreciate and understand it and that is because of this man. Through the music and him I must say I have learnt a lot, I have matured way past my years because of these different messages I have heard through beautiful instruments,vocals and sounds. I love music and I love my father. Music is the medium we use to praise and worship God, music is what will be playing in our real home.
The truth is something I have had the privilege of learning through this mans conduct and not his words. His promises will not return unfulfilled and if he cannot do something he always gives you a better alternative which you wouldn't have thought of. God is the truth, he is consistent and his answers are yes, not now and I have something better in my mind. I love my father for giving me my father. He is the reason I believe I am one of the chosen ones and that humbles.
Because of my father I can write the way I do and most importantly think the way I do. Granted we didn't have the best of relationships at the beginning because I did not understand that he is who he is, always has and always will. Just like I am. I am who I am because He is who he is. A man who is consistent, never changing just like I am. Everywhere you go he is the same person, nothing more nothing less but him..just like? You guessed Look at God, he is the same everywhere to everyone, people might go to him in different ways but he is still God, never changing and consistent.
I remember I was an only child and my dad went out of his way to get me what I wanted, but on an incentive basis. In other words if I passed well then I could get what I wanted. One of my fondest memories was when I was nagging him for a tamagotchi, if you don't know what a tambagotchi is then you are too young to be reading this blog. Anyway he said ace the term and you will get it, he didn't even know what it was. Obviously I kicked ass in the term, mostly because of his after work tutoring of course. Did I mention he helped me with my homework until I was in High School. I knew that If I did something with my dad it was going to blow everyone away including the teacher. We went to the store, he thought I wanted a video game, he was willing to cough up big for it, so when I told him it was not what I wanted he got a bit nervous, lol until the shop assistant bought along this small little game which was way less than what he wanted to get me. Just like with God you have to do what he says and hold your part of the deal to be blessed abundantly.
I get scared at the fact that I might not meet someone like my dad. Someone who loves,protects,provides,cares and values the truth. Someone who is consistent and never changing. I am not saying my dad is an angel nor am I saying I am looking for one. All I am saying is I want someone who is who they are and allow me to be who I am. Someone who teaches me things, someone I look up to and most importantly someone I respect. The respect I have for my dad has it's own category, that ,man is something else people who have met him will tell you. I am looking for a place where I can submit. T he thought of leaving my dad freaks me out and it brings tears to my eyes. For as far as I can remember he has always been that man who has always been there for me and never disappointed me. He has been the only man who has made a fuss about driving me and picking me up.

I guess the Roberta Flack, Donny Hathaway and Nina Simone he gave to me, stirred up all these feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation inside. After writing this I am more humbled than before if that is even possible. That is one thing I learn through my father, he should copy right his own brand of humble pie. This man is so humble its humbling just watching him. Read this and interpret it how you want because I always say, I will only be responsible for what I say, not for what you understand. The underlying message from this if there should be one, it is that God is good and I see him and tie his lessons up with who and what he has blessed me with in my life. There is nothing stopping you from doing the same.
God is love