Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Most circumstances, I know my fate But in this love thing, I don't get the game Why does it feel like those who give in They only wind up losing a friend?
Saturday, 19 January 2013
I will blog until my hearts content. I have so much to say and so much wisdom to impart it's ridiculous. Some things I would prefer to address in the form of dialogues. I cannot wait to get to that platform where I speak to people and they see me and I see their expressions. I pray for that day more than I speak of it.
It has been written and thus it will be realised. We all have different gifts and it's sad how some people live their lives without knowing what they are, or worse ignoring them because they do not fit into the world's idea of a gift. It can be anything, we are like hands and this means that like the fingers we are all not the same.
You can not beat yourself about not being book smart,street smart, talented in sports or talented in the arts just because people you might know are. You are not them and they are not you. Look at what you have and what you enjoy and are good at,it's not and never will be about someone else. God and you come first. It's my wish that every single one of us finds our bliss and if we are having difficulty that we meet someone who will help us find it.
No one has to understand it or even accept it,only you. I always preach the same thing and I am going to sound like a parrot now but here goes anywhere,people do not have to understand or approve of anther's hustle,but they will respect it. If you find your bliss and it happens to also put food on your table...Give yourself a bells.
Kind Regards
It has been written and thus it will be realised. We all have different gifts and it's sad how some people live their lives without knowing what they are, or worse ignoring them because they do not fit into the world's idea of a gift. It can be anything, we are like hands and this means that like the fingers we are all not the same.
You can not beat yourself about not being book smart,street smart, talented in sports or talented in the arts just because people you might know are. You are not them and they are not you. Look at what you have and what you enjoy and are good at,it's not and never will be about someone else. God and you come first. It's my wish that every single one of us finds our bliss and if we are having difficulty that we meet someone who will help us find it.
No one has to understand it or even accept it,only you. I always preach the same thing and I am going to sound like a parrot now but here goes anywhere,people do not have to understand or approve of anther's hustle,but they will respect it. If you find your bliss and it happens to also put food on your table...Give yourself a bells.
Kind Regards
Friday, 18 January 2013
Spelling bee
Oh my but I am cocky today. I have always been an excellent speller but now I amaze even myself. I don't even know why I try and use spell checker *yawns*. No I am not kidding I am that good. To start of with I can differentiate between MEN and MAN or WOMAN and WOMEN, this was in Grade 3 I might add. Part of the reason why I spell as well as I do is because I make it a habit to spell out every word and not use these retarded abbreviations.
People cannot spell to save their lives out there. If your spelling is horrible let me tell you, I will not take you seriously..ever.There is nothing that annoys me more than someone who is trying to make a point using short hand. As I have expressed before that method of writing should have an age limit.
Short hand for those of you who don't know what it is but still insist on using it everyday is that unnecessary juvenile method of writing where you shorten words. Not only does this display immaturity in my eyes but it also means you do not put thought or much effort in what you have to say. Thanks to it now we are stuck with peers who cannot tell a WOMEN and WOMAN apart. Spelling aside what about plural and singular?
Everyone knows that if I take you seriously I will grind you on your manner of writing. I always advice my friends to see the dictionary as their other friend,aside from me of course. There is nothing wrong with adding a new word in your vocabulary everyday and most importantly learning how to spell it. Ever since I was young I was inspired by my father who goes through the dictionary, finds words and their meanings and writes them down. That is also something you can do for yourself.
If you are over the age of 23 and use letters like R instead of are or the letter K instead of OK, then you need to be shot! Not only is it strenuous and irritating trying to make sense of your dribble but what I really want to know is what do you write during tests,exams or work stuff. I say stuff because I aint working yet but when I do I am sure I will have a better word. Speaking of, I am the undisputed Queen of alternate words. I love using words that are not common not only because I can but because damnit I can! Give it a try and stop dropping your jaw every time some of us open our mouths to say something.
I am self taught and so can you. I can merely guide, not enforce but this is a very sore subject and I feel if I keep quiet any longer people will continue under misapprehension that it's ok. What I have touched on reminds me of a Destiny Child song, Bad Habit. It needs to change and it starts with you and you.
Kind Regards
People cannot spell to save their lives out there. If your spelling is horrible let me tell you, I will not take you seriously..ever.There is nothing that annoys me more than someone who is trying to make a point using short hand. As I have expressed before that method of writing should have an age limit.
Short hand for those of you who don't know what it is but still insist on using it everyday is that unnecessary juvenile method of writing where you shorten words. Not only does this display immaturity in my eyes but it also means you do not put thought or much effort in what you have to say. Thanks to it now we are stuck with peers who cannot tell a WOMEN and WOMAN apart. Spelling aside what about plural and singular?
Everyone knows that if I take you seriously I will grind you on your manner of writing. I always advice my friends to see the dictionary as their other friend,aside from me of course. There is nothing wrong with adding a new word in your vocabulary everyday and most importantly learning how to spell it. Ever since I was young I was inspired by my father who goes through the dictionary, finds words and their meanings and writes them down. That is also something you can do for yourself.
If you are over the age of 23 and use letters like R instead of are or the letter K instead of OK, then you need to be shot! Not only is it strenuous and irritating trying to make sense of your dribble but what I really want to know is what do you write during tests,exams or work stuff. I say stuff because I aint working yet but when I do I am sure I will have a better word. Speaking of, I am the undisputed Queen of alternate words. I love using words that are not common not only because I can but because damnit I can! Give it a try and stop dropping your jaw every time some of us open our mouths to say something.
I am self taught and so can you. I can merely guide, not enforce but this is a very sore subject and I feel if I keep quiet any longer people will continue under misapprehension that it's ok. What I have touched on reminds me of a Destiny Child song, Bad Habit. It needs to change and it starts with you and you.
Kind Regards
Spirit Chasers..
There is nothing like morning prayer to start the day. After my conversation with God not only am I refreshed but also confident in the steps I will make not only today but all the days of my life. It's true that everything you ask for in prayer and with faith shall be given to you. I have had friends in my life but never a spiritual one. I asked her to help me grow in spirit and she has welcomed that task gracefully.
It's nice to have a friend you can pray with and one who reminds you of the good messages and good things God has in store for us. Baby girl you know who you are, let me just tell you that I am truly humbled that I have crossed paths with someone like you. We have only just begun this journey and I must say I am enjoying myself, I can feel something within me moving. I pray for you not to forget and stray from this task that I believe you have been chosen to assist me with.
I want us to grow together in spirit and may other people around us see God and his wonderful works through us. I pray for our friendship and that God bless you and guide you always. This one is for you Nolwazi Maziya an angel with her wings on storage. I love you and all that you do,know that is not going unnoticed. To everyone else God is love, have a great day, weekend and take care of yourselves.
Yoiurs in faith
It's nice to have a friend you can pray with and one who reminds you of the good messages and good things God has in store for us. Baby girl you know who you are, let me just tell you that I am truly humbled that I have crossed paths with someone like you. We have only just begun this journey and I must say I am enjoying myself, I can feel something within me moving. I pray for you not to forget and stray from this task that I believe you have been chosen to assist me with.
I want us to grow together in spirit and may other people around us see God and his wonderful works through us. I pray for our friendship and that God bless you and guide you always. This one is for you Nolwazi Maziya an angel with her wings on storage. I love you and all that you do,know that is not going unnoticed. To everyone else God is love, have a great day, weekend and take care of yourselves.
Yoiurs in faith
Thursday, 17 January 2013
I have been trying to upload a picture for the last two weeks. I don't think you understand how frustrating it is. But I will do what I can and that includes asking my boyfriend to check if there is anything with my laptop.
Yes I said it,I have a boyfriend now. I am no longer a resident at the Singleton block of flats. I handed in my notice one month ago. Jealous? No, don't be yours is on his way. After months of sifting through the rubbish,bad re-runs,chancers and thieves...he finally walked through my door.
Unlike everything else in my life, I choose to keep him as my secret.A secret I don't ever want to share with anyone,he's all mine. All that you need to know is Ms_Curvy is officially off the rack, yes I am taken and smitten all at the same time.
This new revelation will not however alter or affect the tone of this blog or the things I choose to say. I love you and you for the constant support and taking a peak from time and time again. This is home and for those who are cming as visitors, let me say feel right at home.
Friday, 11 January 2013
Beatiful Vibrations.
Anything that could possibly go wrong technology wise, where I am concerned..has! I have absolutely no network,my laptop is acting up,my blog will not upload pictures and my vibrator won't charge! The vibrator part of course being a joke hahaha,no seriously I do not own one,as long as there is still d*ck around and it can perform oh well honey lemme say...that plastic can stay in China.
There aint no substitute for the real thing. Everything about it can never be substituted. Between us,lesbians have some serious men issues. If you want to be with a woman, be with a woman but leave the dildo alone,does that not kind of defeat the purpose? With that said I have nothing but love for my Luscious Lovers,that's what I call them. On the subject of same sex relationships I stumbled across a very eye opening and profound point which I will share with you.
I am a woman,that means that I have had some guys go down on me, just like you are a man and have had thousands of girls go down on you too. But on their trip down town,you often find they do not know exactly what they are doing there,or they haven't the foggiest idea as to how they got there. In your mind you are already giving them directions,like go up...yes...yes...then left. Or stroke it yes....careful...careful...now slowly..
In other words you know exactly what you want and exactly where you would go if it was you. So if I had to go down on a girl, I would know exactly where to go and where to stay. If that's the case then naturally it's the same with men,they would know exactly where to go and what to do. Note! If you got aroused about the man going down on another man,then you are gay. If you understand my point,you're a human being and if you're disgusted well then...uzoba strong.
Kind Regards'
There aint no substitute for the real thing. Everything about it can never be substituted. Between us,lesbians have some serious men issues. If you want to be with a woman, be with a woman but leave the dildo alone,does that not kind of defeat the purpose? With that said I have nothing but love for my Luscious Lovers,that's what I call them. On the subject of same sex relationships I stumbled across a very eye opening and profound point which I will share with you.
I am a woman,that means that I have had some guys go down on me, just like you are a man and have had thousands of girls go down on you too. But on their trip down town,you often find they do not know exactly what they are doing there,or they haven't the foggiest idea as to how they got there. In your mind you are already giving them directions,like go up...yes...yes...then left. Or stroke it yes....careful...careful...now slowly..
In other words you know exactly what you want and exactly where you would go if it was you. So if I had to go down on a girl, I would know exactly where to go and where to stay. If that's the case then naturally it's the same with men,they would know exactly where to go and what to do. Note! If you got aroused about the man going down on another man,then you are gay. If you understand my point,you're a human being and if you're disgusted well then...uzoba strong.
Kind Regards'
Word of the day
/ˈɑr kaɪv/ Show Spelled [ahr-kahyv]
Usually, archives. documents or records relating to the activities, business dealings, etc., of a person, family, corporation, association, community, or nation.
archives, a place where public records or other historical documents are kept.
any extensive record or collection of data: The encyclopedia is an archive of world history. The experience was sealed in the archive of her memory.
African Proverb.
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle.
When the sun comes up, you better start running.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle.
When the sun comes up, you better start running.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Word of advice.
I trust my insticts and you should as well. Call me crazy but I strongly believe that if you ever find yourself in a situation where you are constantly questioning yourself and your decisions...then you really should not be there.
There are two kinds of people, the ones who are content with who and where they are. Then they are those who are just not happy and are forever second guessing themselves. If you are in a situation where you just cant seem to find your bliss then either move,break it off or do something about it because clearly its not for you.
There are two kinds of people, the ones who are content with who and where they are. Then they are those who are just not happy and are forever second guessing themselves. If you are in a situation where you just cant seem to find your bliss then either move,break it off or do something about it because clearly its not for you.
Silence is golden.
Some of the best conversations i have had were silent. Sometimes there really isn't a need for words. You are not here,but we are always talking.
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
2012 End of the world...
It's official I am the biggest usher fan everyone who has some sense knows this. But after today I am sorry to report that he has been replaced after I pressed play on Chris Brown's song 2012. After I repeated the song for the 100th time I am convinced this young man has taken over from the greats and he is the new undisputed SEX MAN. Sorry R.Kelly you have been dethroned.
I was caught by him kissing the other set of lips and guess what I am buying whatever this man is buying. He says he likes the way you sound, when you rain on me *drips*. He put me in that place where it's the end of the world and the world is dependant on "us" to make earth shaking love. If you have ever made love the you will understand and testify, especially when you are telling him to go harder and harder and deeper and deeper... Congratulations Mr. Brown I am convinced, I want to see someone try and take it from you. Lawwwwd but this song has got me and my Cerebosed yellow tooshy bugging....
Mr Right now avail yourself. I will taech you what these lyrics mean as they play in the background...I think I found the song that will deflower me in 2013...#vtechdiaries
I was caught by him kissing the other set of lips and guess what I am buying whatever this man is buying. He says he likes the way you sound, when you rain on me *drips*. He put me in that place where it's the end of the world and the world is dependant on "us" to make earth shaking love. If you have ever made love the you will understand and testify, especially when you are telling him to go harder and harder and deeper and deeper... Congratulations Mr. Brown I am convinced, I want to see someone try and take it from you. Lawwwwd but this song has got me and my Cerebosed yellow tooshy bugging....
Mr Right now avail yourself. I will taech you what these lyrics mean as they play in the background...I think I found the song that will deflower me in 2013...#vtechdiaries
Monday, 7 January 2013
Word of the day!
/maɪˈɒp ɪk, -ˈoʊ pɪk/ Show Spelled [mahy-op-ik, -oh-pik]
unable or unwilling to act prudently; shortsighted.
lacking tolerance or understanding; narrow-minded.
So my blog page is acting up for days. I cant upload pictures for sh#t! It does not help at all that a black sister is technologically inadvanced. I have no idea as to what I should do right now. I am sorry to disappoint,but like most humans on this planet of ours, I am not perfect. I will however try my best to get a solution to this small problem.
Please bear with me. With that said I aint saying I wont be posting little tasty reads, I will. Here's to hoping I get it fixed on time. This little hurdle has signalled something I have been putting on hold for a very long time. This blog page is getting more restrictive by the day....Anyway on the upside, the way I write paints it's own pictures..so your imagination might have to do for a while.
Kind Regards
Please bear with me. With that said I aint saying I wont be posting little tasty reads, I will. Here's to hoping I get it fixed on time. This little hurdle has signalled something I have been putting on hold for a very long time. This blog page is getting more restrictive by the day....Anyway on the upside, the way I write paints it's own pictures..so your imagination might have to do for a while.
Kind Regards
Monkey see monkey do.
It's hot, I'm hot and bothered..The weather outside is not making things any easier. I used to think only cloudy weathers reminded me of the fact that I haven't had companionship in such a long time. People always accuse me of being angry, as the weeks and months go by I fear my anger will grow as well.
I am angry about a lot of things. I'm angry that my third learners is about to expire without me getting my license. I'm angry that a lot of people have known me for a long time but always overlooked me, simply based on the way I look. Most of all I am angry that I have forgotten what it feels like to be in love. I'm pissed off that I am not patient and I want things to be done my way, and at my own time but love is also the same way.
Intimacy has become so foreign that the only person I allow to touch me, is myself. Yes I said it, Intimacy is after IN TO ME I SEE, and I see myself all the time. I am angry at the fact that I can control or at least try to control everything around me but not how I feel. Speaking of feeling, I do not remember when was the last time I felt something about someone and it actually felt good.
We are all different, but some of us more than others. From the way we speak to the things we value and hold in the highest regards. As much as I am different, we all want the same thing at the end of a hot, rainy or cloudy day and that is honesty. I am a complicated creature but a persons honesty uncomplicates me. I would never for the life of me understand why people say one thing and do another or not do it at all. If I say I will do something, I might not do it when the person wants me to do it,but fact of the matter is I will.
If empty promises were stones, I would have enough to build me a tall castle and if disappointments were steel, let's just say my gates would be impermeable. When did the truth become so bitter and people's mouths that they would rather swallow it than open their mouths a spit it out? This is from personal experience not only my own but of those around me and close to me. The truth shall set you free. It's simple if you cannot do something just let the other person know. You know what it feels like being lied to? It's humiliating,disrespectful and degrading, granted it ranges from person to person but for me it's constant.
I have this understanding which is my own and you can borrow it if you like, but if you do acknowledge. It goes like this: If I choose to be with you, it's because I believe we are both adults and in possession of at least a minimum thinking capacity. That means that I do what feels right to me when it feels right but should I find myself in position where I have to let go of that freedom because we are together and I want to make you happy, I will. With that however comes an understanding that you will have to do the same. In a nutshell,compromise.
I am angry about a lot of things. I'm angry that my third learners is about to expire without me getting my license. I'm angry that a lot of people have known me for a long time but always overlooked me, simply based on the way I look. Most of all I am angry that I have forgotten what it feels like to be in love. I'm pissed off that I am not patient and I want things to be done my way, and at my own time but love is also the same way.
Intimacy has become so foreign that the only person I allow to touch me, is myself. Yes I said it, Intimacy is after IN TO ME I SEE, and I see myself all the time. I am angry at the fact that I can control or at least try to control everything around me but not how I feel. Speaking of feeling, I do not remember when was the last time I felt something about someone and it actually felt good.
We are all different, but some of us more than others. From the way we speak to the things we value and hold in the highest regards. As much as I am different, we all want the same thing at the end of a hot, rainy or cloudy day and that is honesty. I am a complicated creature but a persons honesty uncomplicates me. I would never for the life of me understand why people say one thing and do another or not do it at all. If I say I will do something, I might not do it when the person wants me to do it,but fact of the matter is I will.
If empty promises were stones, I would have enough to build me a tall castle and if disappointments were steel, let's just say my gates would be impermeable. When did the truth become so bitter and people's mouths that they would rather swallow it than open their mouths a spit it out? This is from personal experience not only my own but of those around me and close to me. The truth shall set you free. It's simple if you cannot do something just let the other person know. You know what it feels like being lied to? It's humiliating,disrespectful and degrading, granted it ranges from person to person but for me it's constant.
I have this understanding which is my own and you can borrow it if you like, but if you do acknowledge. It goes like this: If I choose to be with you, it's because I believe we are both adults and in possession of at least a minimum thinking capacity. That means that I do what feels right to me when it feels right but should I find myself in position where I have to let go of that freedom because we are together and I want to make you happy, I will. With that however comes an understanding that you will have to do the same. In a nutshell,compromise.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Chick please I'm a woman!
In which planet have men ever been cleverer than women? This is for all the guys who think we end up in their sheets because of their doing. This is the biggest misconception amongst men which I fully intend to set straight once and for all. Firstly I would like to assist you by helping you differentiate and knowing the two types of female species, namely chicks and women. A woman knows what she wants and what she doesn’t want; there is no amount of persuasion or negotiation that can change her mind, speaking from experience of course. A chick however is not sure of herself or what she wants so chances of her giving it up after negotiation are pretty much a guarantee.

The problem with this misconception comes in when men start acting like idiots after you have given them what they think they got because they are slick. I repeat it’s not about you; I make decisions regarding who gets to know the secret that lies in between my thighs. The only thing you can do after you have been chosen is act like you have some sense and appreciate what you have been freely given. I am giver and thus believe me when I say no one can ever take what I haven’t planned on giving. I love the truth and I live by that, it guides me. Different situations and people have their own truths, that are what I understand and live by. An example will be receiving an invite to some guy’s room and I accept. The truth in that situation is that if there is chemistry and it’s mutual, then if I feel like I will reciprocate but if I don’t guess what? I won’t!
There is no amount of negotiation that can convince a woman otherwise once she has made up her mind. I’m talking from experience and those who have burned while attempting will tell you. I have a very good head above my shoulders and I trust it above all else, yes my clitoris included, it has no bargaining power once my head has been made up. Until you know the difference between chicks and women then you will respect women and their decisions. Chicks however are exempted because you get away with making these decisions for them. God has not made a man smart enough to talk me into bed, I end up there because I want to and if I don’t nigger guess what? I didn’t want to and there is nothing anyone can ever do to change that. Moral of the story, it’s never about you!
Kind Regards
Thursday, 3 January 2013
Made You Look!
Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
Coco Chanel
I am woman and as I have mentioned many times I love clothes. Not just clothes but style. It is a privilege to introduce you to this gem Nomathemba Ndlovu. A journalism student and aspiring fashion stylist, she's the one to look for in the very near future. With BBM and the picstory application, this beautiful fashionista always transports us to a world where style and self expression rules.

I always say that don't hold back, give credit where it is due and this is from me to you BerryLove I have just given you the authoritative Ms_Curvy stamp of approval. Whether dressed up or dressed down you always bring it, with your added charisma and natural flair. Now all eyes are on you, continue doing you because you do it so well I stood up and took notice and so is everyone else.

Marylin Monroe once said "give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world." If that is the case then Nono is on the right path and she is trail blazing, here's looking at you honey!

Marylin Monroe once said "give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world." If that is the case then Nono is on the right path and she is trail blazing, here's looking at you honey!

Class of 2012.
Congratulations to all the matriculants of 2012 who made it, and to those who did not this is your wake up call it just means you have to pull up your socks and try harder. There really is no point in stressing over something you cannot change. With that said I understand that some things we cannot control, especially disappointment but life really does go on.
If you are honest with yourself you will look back and say had I worked a bit harder I would have succeeded.The only person who stands in between us and our dreams is our selves. Failure is a very bitter pill to swallow but crying over it wont change it. The true mark of a man is one who falls but pulls himself right back. I understand it's not easy and it doesn't get better but it is what it is.
For all those who made it good luck, the world really is yours for the taking so like my advice..take it! You can be and do whatever you want to do the world is for everyone who live in it. Make your mark, find yourself and do you best like no other can.
Kind Regards
If you are honest with yourself you will look back and say had I worked a bit harder I would have succeeded.The only person who stands in between us and our dreams is our selves. Failure is a very bitter pill to swallow but crying over it wont change it. The true mark of a man is one who falls but pulls himself right back. I understand it's not easy and it doesn't get better but it is what it is.
For all those who made it good luck, the world really is yours for the taking so like my advice..take it! You can be and do whatever you want to do the world is for everyone who live in it. Make your mark, find yourself and do you best like no other can.
Kind Regards
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
So this is it 2013! Look back and thank God for seeing you through all the hurts,disappointments,good and the best times that's what I tell myself.
This goes out to the year 2012, where I found myself. I understand who I am and I own it. I am who I am from the moment I open my eyes in the morning to the moment I close them to go to sleep. Last year I cried, laughed, and shared more of myself more than I ever have.
i employ and live by the words Quality over Quantity. With that said I have surrounded myself with what I know I am and that is quality. I am thankful for new friendships and rekindled ones. I have said this numerous times before, people walk in and out of your life for a reason, the quantity of those people does not take or give anything to who you are.
I lived and I loved myself,I don't need a mirror anymore people's expressions say it all. I love myself from my cute toe nails all the way up to my natural hair. Now I believe I am truly ready to give myself to someone wholly and love them because I know what love is, it starts with me. As we embark on the new year I wish that we remember who we are, what we want, what we don't want and that we always stay true to that.
The festive season is over now so it's back to work. I have opened a new page in my little diary and I will write my heart out until the ink runs dry. This is to new beginnings. Old chapters have been closed, some things belong and are left in the last year. Some people will not be part of our future's or present because when the clock struck midnight, like Cinderella's glass slipper they were left behind.
I built a wall around myself and my people who I hold close to my heart, you know who you are. The rest however can keep their damn keys, these locks have been changed.
This goes out to the year 2012, where I found myself. I understand who I am and I own it. I am who I am from the moment I open my eyes in the morning to the moment I close them to go to sleep. Last year I cried, laughed, and shared more of myself more than I ever have.
i employ and live by the words Quality over Quantity. With that said I have surrounded myself with what I know I am and that is quality. I am thankful for new friendships and rekindled ones. I have said this numerous times before, people walk in and out of your life for a reason, the quantity of those people does not take or give anything to who you are.
I lived and I loved myself,I don't need a mirror anymore people's expressions say it all. I love myself from my cute toe nails all the way up to my natural hair. Now I believe I am truly ready to give myself to someone wholly and love them because I know what love is, it starts with me. As we embark on the new year I wish that we remember who we are, what we want, what we don't want and that we always stay true to that.
The festive season is over now so it's back to work. I have opened a new page in my little diary and I will write my heart out until the ink runs dry. This is to new beginnings. Old chapters have been closed, some things belong and are left in the last year. Some people will not be part of our future's or present because when the clock struck midnight, like Cinderella's glass slipper they were left behind.
I built a wall around myself and my people who I hold close to my heart, you know who you are. The rest however can keep their damn keys, these locks have been changed.
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