The best piece of advice I got last year was to never let my relationship play out on any social sites.
I'm a very private person by nature and don't feel the need to validate whst I have by showing it or sharing it with others. It's true that something's are better kept to yourself, I mean imagine if you are no longer together? Then you have to go back and delete all those pictures you've been putting up? Aaah such hassle.
Over time I have seen that the more you share with people something is the more they form opinions about it.
Take pregnancy for example if you tell some people, one will be happy for you and congratulate, the other one will have reservations and be happy, then the other one will ask you why you are you keeping it etc. You find that this is confusing and if you are not sure yourself it confuses you even further.
Imagine in the case of a relationship."Friends" will search your partner, find out who they are and what they do, who they've been with or still are with besides you. Not every one who smiles to your face and claims try are happy for you is really happy for you.
You find someone telling everyone about how happy they are with do and do, then all of a sudden you her no more.
No one really needs to know, a relationship is between two people the rest are really unsolicited spectators who don't really need to know your business because half if not most of the time they hate they you are happy.
I'm slowly weening myself off Social networksw with time I'm finding the futility of it all. I've often questioned the need to have thousands of friends that you don't even know,hardly talk to or have ever seen or will see. You find that you have 600 friends, none of which hardly comment on anything you port up then you ask yourself what's the point of keeping them? We live in a world so superficial and want to feel good by the number of likes we get on pictures or comments. How many of these are actually genuine. I've realized that most of these people only want to be "friends" with you just to keep tabs on you just because their own lives are so miserable and boring.
I'm seriously bored with people who go through your pictures, check ins and status updates and all of a sudden think that they know you. If I had a rand for every time I bumped into someone at a part and they were shocked that I was sober I'd be a billionaire. The sad part is little do they know that I dont drink that much or at all. I don't take acidic drinks, no cool drink or ciders, my palate just doesn't take it. I drink wine when I want to. People are so ignorant into believing that you have to be drunk to have fun. I myself am the embodiment of gun and joy and don't need to be activated by something in a bottle. But alas! People think they know what's happening because of pictures you put up or by the lack of status updates?.?! Really?! I don't think so, there's more to life that a tag,like, comment or check in.
We don't need people to like what we think or have to say to validate our presence here. We just need to stay true To who we are and do what we have to do.