Monday, 14 November 2016
Friday, 9 September 2016
Once upon a dream
We were alive, it all made sense and it was all real then we woke up to our imperfections screaming it's all a dream. Life's a mirror, I constantly check my reflection and see you reflecting back. Days of old gone by, we swam against the tides of deceit and broken dreams. A promise of a new dawn looms in the distance as we squint trying to make sense of being awake. Sweet as it may, slumber we know is for the faint who spend their time idling. With both hands full and feet swiftly moving we ponder on what it all really means. We lose,we win,we learn,we fall we run we still stand the test of uncertainty. Working with what we have while trying to painfully let go of what we don't have anymore. Our efforts are like smilies in the wind, so alike but often swept away by doubt. Someone whispered write your heart song, i am the courage for you to see it through. With our eyes closed we meet, wherever we are. In a room filled with strange voices and cold bodies, we find comfort and warmth in the reality that is within us. Trying to make sense of it all we need the rest of our lives. I am bonded in fear and live in days of old where treachery and neglect ruled the day. A time when I would hate my reflection because I never saw you. A period of emptiness filled by a child growing inside of me, yet I was alone. With my knees hitting the floor I plead with God to set me free, break these shackles and stop me from wobbling but help me walk. I am walking, two children and unfulfilled prophecies on my back and front, we run. Run as fast as we can, like fish who swim unbeknown to them that there's snares everywhere, we swim past them, no that's not where we are going. We have a date with destiny. Once upon a dream It was penned, before it all came to an end in our heads.
Writer- Xolile Ngwenya
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Kim K
Kim Kardashian salute to you and all the yummy mummy's who get hated on for working hard for whatever they have, no matter how it manifests itself. Sisters work hard, wow it actually should motivate, so hey let's stop the hate. Look at Kourtney really?! Have you seen Tamar Braxton?! Toni Braxton?! Woman does not age, then again have you seen her mama, miss Evelyn Braxton?! BEYONCÉ????????!!!!!!!!!! Look at that, even auto corrected added end that hat on top of the e because she's...let's say it together BEYONCÉ,, oh snap it did it again. There's a reason auto correct does that, this woman really works that hard, no like this woman works, God bless her soul.
Shout out to Joseline Hernandez holding it down with a baby in her belly,drama and all. Yeah I said her, she's a woman and a hardworking one at that, she deserves the mention for something positive. It cannot be easy, but she's doing it and we are watching for all the good reasons. The list is exhaustive trust me, whoever is reading this has their own list I should hope. Power to that. Uyanda Mbuli and Dineo Ranaka, you are true warriors ..royal wave I don't think we know or should know.. Note to self,work out,work hard. does it feel
Often times we say and feel things out of impatience. I love God and his word because he spoke against anxiety the child of impatience. We look around us and feel we are not doing enough or getting what we think we deserve based on what other people are doing or have. I have been victim of this, I pray today in a critical spirit, for myself and all others to allow the Holy Spirit to plant in us the fruit of patience and renew perseverance and hope.
May we look past the future and concentrate on the now. Life truly is a gift of learning. It will teach those who want to learn and spit out those who do not. Today part of the old, I want it now and this way dies. Let me be fine and work without I have, many a times just like in love we are disappointed by our own expectations. When God says his plans are bigger than your dreams believe it. Faith,faith,faith can move mountains oh boy I believe it. Away from it all where it is just you and a God it is possible, I believe there's people who have done it but since it was between them and the giver of all things,,,that's where it stayed. Unknown and unseen by the world,all it's things and all its people.
Oh Lord forgive me for I have sinned, I am not perfect. I got momentarily stuck on it happening now and and almost tested you. The devil lied, he lies. Not that I ever pay him any mind..he tried it and failed and will continue to fail. A good man is a dime in a dozen, you sent one I receive. In the game of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit let what you have bought together be tied in an u breakable bond. Let me reside under your shadow so your goodness and mercy may follow us all the days of our lives. I speak life! Speech and words of construction are summoned to be ready at will, with all the rest banished.
To you, I am sorry. You know who you are. I am humbled, patiently waiting on a God to lift me up high so I can soar with Eagles. All that you do that I am scared to see sometimes is permanent and has us in mind. Thank you for your efforts, may God continue to bless your hands,mind,spirit and body. You are from the Platinum province,that's what you are to us. A girl could only dream or shah then one day she wakes up next to you and finds out she's living the dream and all her wishes came true. One day people will go through this moment in time, they will try to make sense of it to them, I can only wish them good luck.
All that matters is you know and I know that patience bears the most succulent fruits, that and keeping your eyes where they belong and that is on me, unless you want the gorged out. In our quest of realizing true love and running away as fast as we can from what it's not, we find ourselves here. I am bare with my heart and mind open, waiting to receive and relive what others of old left markings and secret encryptions of. It's always been there, we are not the first or the last we can only hope to inspire those who find it to never take their eyes off the prize. I love,respect and submit to God and to you. No one is perfect, I myself are far off the mark, with every realization of that, that hits me whether after a hissy fit, fleeting thought or sway of unnecessary influence, I am even more humbled. Here I am waiting on God to lift me up.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Sunday, 21 August 2016
That awkward moment when
I want to be with you but can I be with me too. I want to spend time with you but can I also see my friends once in a while. I want to be open with you about life but can I also tell you things that happen with me without having to feel guilty and bad afterwards. Why don't you listen when I tell you, it's not what you think. Is it because I don't listen when you say it's not what I think? Oh my soul. Lord bless us for trying, bless our meager efforts Lord.
There are two people in any union between more than one person. This includes friendships as well. I have friends, people who somehow down the years held on with you. The people you really do not mind being yourself with and they allow you if you allow them. I am learning that we are what we surround ourselves with, so we must be the change we want to see around us. Positive vibes, vibrations and air. We all need each other, to make each other better people, to realize our true potential.
With that said, one needs to consider the above, think about it, have it in the back of your head. Remember even though it's not just about you, it's about other people to, animals, the ocean, the stars. It's also about the word, that lives in you. Lol talk about contradictions, the funniest sad part is at the end none of it even matters.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
The sad reality is
That awkward moment when this is a sad reality. Why some people choose to hold on to tatters is baffling, this hurts literally. I would rather walk barefoot than go through this pain. Why some people choose to walk on pins and needles rather than discard worn out and useless things is beyond.
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Death is inevitable. A cord was struck, could it be we mourn for ourselves just as much as we mourn for the dearly departed. It is a journey we all have a golden ticket for, even if you do not know you are auditioning. It is the one thing, when faced with, reminds you there is someone bigger than you. God is God. I heard a friend once say, I would rather live my life thinking there is a heaven and preparing for it, than living thinking it does not exist only to die and find out it does.
It is nice to know and love God in your youth
Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Pep talks.
Thank God we do not look like what we go through that's all I'm saying 🙋🏽 so every morning my eyes open I have to remind myself heeeey girl this is what's up. This is a collage of my thoughts, life, wins,struggles, inspirations,guides,advices, light. This too is but a stolen reflection from my part here.
True or False
I wish men knew this. Many a times I've seen and experienced that when a woman cheats it is to replace the man she is with. Generally just like men, women have something called feelings and believe it or not they go through the same temptations men go through. We are all equals at the end of the day, so what applies on the left, enjoys pretty much the same application on the right.
We live in a world where men are forgiven but women aren't. The backlash is too harsh on women, most even get killed for finding potential to replace the ain't shit man with. But let's face it, ain't nobody got time to sit back and watch someone else enjoy their lives and fuck whomever they please while they sit back and watch ha!
A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing 2 worship him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness'
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Hold on.
Hold on to yourself she whispers to me every night.
Remember who you are, I'm reminded by the water as it hits my skin in the shower
You've got what it takes, now do it God sent this with the Gardner as I hung clothes in the washing line
God had sent him before also to help us learn to nature his ground, he turned it around he did..
I'm reminded I've done it by my sons excitement as I approach the car after the show, he's really proud he says; "mom you sounded amazing"..
Amazing are my babies, made, carried and birthed them I did, I grew, we grew, we are what we are, they are mine for the time being on earth, to teach
Teach them to fear God, love him with all of their hearts, seek him and honor him, he will protect them..Angels will surround we, we will learn,love,give and reap
Reap the goodness,joy,long suffering,patience, peace ,the throne
The throne, I've been next to someone who saw the throne before my very eyes, she sang, she looked up ,she smiled she saw it there, she saw her there, she gave me that gift
Gift is life , gift is the animals
Animals oh Lord what have we done to the animals, what have we done to us, what have we allowed to happen by turning our backs from you
Friday, 27 May 2016
The cutest picture I have seen in 2016 people! Look at the baby clutching on to daddy. If only more daddies would clutch on their partners and children more than they do beer bottles, cigarettes and some ,drugs. Just so it's out there this builds units. Strong units bring about unity and cohesion. We need more of that and way less of fatherless and headless households.
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
I sat down for an in-depth interview with Mr Mxolisi Gregory Makgamatha 💪🏼a member of the ANCYL in good standing from Mpumalanga. He is a radical,formidable and notable leader in the REC of Ehlanzeni , Mbombela Zone A. Known, loved and respected by many, this young man reminds us that we are standing on shoulders of giants. He is an embodiment of the ANCYL class of 1944'. Stay tuned for more...✊🏼
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Author of my dreams.

I am wondering seriously what I should write about. I am hoping it will hit me soon, what I want people to know is that I am human too. I have made mistakes that have molded me into the person I am today. You must learn to stand firm, I have come to realize. Stand firm in yourself and let it all pass by. Just like that tree with solid roots, whether rain, thunder, drought, floods or strong winds may come it may be shaken but it never moves.
My one wish would be for everyone I meet or touch with my writing to be like that tree. God wants us to be that tree. Have our entire faith rooted in him, his grace, mercy and undying love. Know that whatever may come, whatever forces may present themselves to you in different forms, he is there and if you are rooted in him, you will never be removed from him. Know thy or mortal, learn the things you have been sent here to learn, teach others and give back then when you are done your day of true glory will come.
There is not enough glory in the world. It is like the winds of change it constantly changes and blows in different directions. The world and all its materials and money do not hold any true value. He who is inside you holds all the value that even yourself could never comprehend. Nature that, grow that, love that, honour that, respect that and learn from that I keep telling myself and all these things will be given unto you. This piece got me feeling like damnit! I WANT MY WINGS..
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Sought out the best.
This is false. Just because people SETTLE for the worst does not mean it is or ever will be the best. For the mere fact that they recognise the absenteeism of the former collapses the notion of the latter as true.
Monday, 15 February 2016
Shine bright like a diamond.
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