Remember who you are, I'm reminded by the water as it hits my skin in the shower
You've got what it takes, now do it God sent this with the Gardner as I hung clothes in the washing line
God had sent him before also to help us learn to nature his ground, he turned it around he did..
I'm reminded I've done it by my sons excitement as I approach the car after the show, he's really proud he says; "mom you sounded amazing"..
Amazing are my babies, made, carried and birthed them I did, I grew, we grew, we are what we are, they are mine for the time being on earth, to teach
Teach them to fear God, love him with all of their hearts, seek him and honor him, he will protect them..Angels will surround we, we will learn,love,give and reap
Reap the goodness,joy,long suffering,patience, peace ,the throne
The throne, I've been next to someone who saw the throne before my very eyes, she sang, she looked up ,she smiled she saw it there, she saw her there, she gave me that gift
Gift is life , gift is the animals
Animals oh Lord what have we done to the animals, what have we done to us, what have we allowed to happen by turning our backs from you