Thursday, 25 August 2016

Sunday, 21 August 2016

That awkward moment when

I want to be with you but can I be with me too. I want to spend time with you but can I also see my friends once in a while. I want to be open with you about life but can I also tell you things that happen with me without having to feel guilty and bad afterwards. Why don't you listen when I tell you, it's not what you think. Is it because I don't listen when you say it's not what I think? Oh my soul. Lord bless us for trying, bless our meager efforts Lord. 

There are two people in any union between more than one person. This includes friendships as well. I have friends, people who somehow down the years held on with you. The people you really do not mind being yourself with and they allow you if you allow them. I am learning that we are what we surround ourselves with, so we must be the change we want to see around us. Positive vibes, vibrations and air. We all need each other, to make each other better people, to realize our true potential. 

With that said, one needs to consider the above, think about it, have it in the back of your head. Remember even though it's not just about you, it's about other people to, animals, the ocean, the stars. It's also about the word, that lives in you. Lol talk about contradictions, the funniest sad part is at the end none of it even matters. 

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

The sad reality is

That awkward moment when this is a sad reality. Why some people choose to hold on to tatters is baffling, this hurts literally. I would rather walk barefoot than go through this pain. Why some people choose to walk on pins and needles rather than discard worn out and useless things is beyond.

Sometimes I think..