Lol is it just me or some people just start acting like they have the cure for cancer once they get admitted into a certain fraternity?

Oh my soul calm down. Aint nobody give a damn really. Not we, not the cowntry and definitely not the grave we are all destined for. All that paper, whether qualification, position or money you gone leave behind.
You gone go to the same size grave as the person without! Let me set all those who do not have any of the above and constantly feel marginalized by the ones who do, by using three simple words. " THEY AINT SH*T"
If you "know" me you will appreciate and laugh at how I said the above. Lighten up and do not take this life thing so seriously. None of us are going to make it out alive. Position, qualification or money it all don't mean anything.
Honey even the elaborate tombstone that they build upon your departure, you will never see. Eventually that too is going to be swept away by the winds of time and it will be no more. Greater cities and buildings have been erected before, the ground swallowed them too, never to become even a memory. It's as if they never existed! If that is the case lol did they really exist then?
Richer people have lived, with stones of far much more value than we could ever imagined. Never to be heard of again, as if they were never born or had what they thought they had. That too, some were buried with their treasures because they loved them so much, guess what? they both evaporated to whence they came from..dust.
We look at the world today and the things we have and think we have made it!!!! We are great, funny hahahahaha look at the remnants of other civilizations like the Greek, Egyptians, Mayans etc did they also not feel like we do once upon a time? So please calm down, there has been greater. There is nothing new here, what is innovation and groundbreaking to us now was the same for them in the past and uhm will be the exact same for the future.
What is left now? Fragments of what those who are convinced they have an idea of, try to piece together in vain. They too cannot figure it out, all they can do is try because even that is futile. There will come time when the Pyramids and Castles will be just a myth.
Even if a picture would somehow make it, the vegetation would also have changed it would be impossible to pinpoint. That awkward moment when thousands of years into the future, someone finds a picture of the pyramids but now where there was a dessert, there is an ocean hahahaha and where there was an ocean there's a jungle?
At the end of it all, no one really cares. You are here today, we are all going someday and it will all be in vain.
With that said aint nobody saying do not work hard, because a man will eat by the sweat off his own brow. So if you want to be fed work. Do your work to the best of your abilities, but align your thoughts and spirit with the possibility of a place where you will arrive at with no end.
Do not fall short if you get there only to find you thought this was it! and it's lit! Play around and be the only one hating from outside because you cannot get in.