Monday, 5 November 2018


"That's a pretty big trunk on my Lincoln town car, ain't it?
Big enough to take these broken hearts and put 'em in it
Now I'm driving 'round on the boulevard, trunk bleeding
And every time the cops pull me over, they never see them
And I've got this black suit on
Roaming around like I'm ready for a funeral
Five more miles 'til the road runs out
I'm about to drive in the ocean
I'ma try to swim from something bigger than me
Kick off my shoes and swim good, and swim good
Take off this suit and swim good, and swim good, good.."

Friday, 12 October 2018


my mom is bribing my daughter with the prospects of her going to school tomorrow.

the trap of growing up should be postponed. personally I do not feel comfortable with encouraging my children to grow up too soon, the world is a harsh place.

look at us! all of us! we wanted to grow up so badly. my friend called in a panic the other day, he cannot breathe he is trapped in his own growing up. he told me of the guy who apparently jumped out of the Discovery building in Johannesburg all because of growing up.

let the children enjoy their youth and may they stay forever young, like Jesus who likened the people who will see the kingdom of heaven to be like children. everyone knows I am a child with children and will personally stay that way. and ain't got no time with anybody telling me any different.

Lebo Sekgobela - Moya (Live) [Restored 2016]

a beautiful rendition to the giver of all things and the magnificent father we have in heaven and all around us.

Listening to this song literally bought tears to my eyes, it moves my spirit. it bears testament to the Holy Spirit of our heavenly father who keeps on doing great things.

Living here on earth be weary of being moved by anything else but God. Do not look to be moved by people, events, places or things all those are fleeting like sand in your hand, the warmth and glory of Jehovah is forever.

Tis a reminder oh mortal, that seek the Lord and his righteousness all the days of your life. Ask God to order your steps and even when he has ordered those steps ask him to give you the words to say and the appropriate action.

Oh the danger of relying on yourself is real and will capsize you. Hold on to this and call on it even in your sleep.

Thursday, 4 October 2018


Ntobeko it's fixed girl just for you okaaay. Other day we were talking with Nolwazi and the message was type what is in your heart. Do not think about it too much girl.

She asked about paragraphs and punctuation, the answer was don't think about it too much, too much, too much ...tooo much it will all make sense. that awkward moment when not everyone has listened to Frank Ocean.   

Oh Frank! he was a phase when we did not think too far ahead... thinking about forever like he did. forever? that is unchartered territory, not a single letter from there. poetry, writing words live forever. Sometime somewhere this will be studied, Ntobeko and Nolwazi make it count. 

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Somebody do something

I have just about had it with ....................'s attitude at the office.  
Today out of respect of everyone I choose to write down how I feel because if I addressed her it was going to escalate to a screaming match, and aint nobody got time for that.

Someone please tell this woman she is getting paid to do absolutely nothing here before I do. The whole month she does nothing.  We had an estate which we distributed last month, she got paid from that money.
Today I call the front desk where she is supposed to be, she is on her private line in another office.  To show my seriousness, I do not hang up and call to her to answer. She tells me straight: NO I WILL NOT!!! At the time I urgently need the file to draft an affidavit the client needs  to sign to acknowledge that he got his inheritance, so that Ms Shabangu can be released as Executor. From that affidavit alone we are able to fulfil our obligations with 2 important stake holders; THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT and the AIIF because our director was issued a bond of security ne.

I will cc everyone in this e-mail because I decided to reduce the incident into writing. If I only send it to either of you, it amounts to gossip, which I detest. The reason I need that file is because our job is incomplete. We have not been discharged as agents, which means we have not fully complied with the ACT. We are not those attorneys who are just all about the cheque but do not see processes through until we see the final product. Is it wrong then to task a beneficiary of our hard work to do a stitch literally, a stich to help us complete our job? I say stitch because LITERALLY that is all she asked to do, we sew all the other stitches, make holes and put in the damn buttons, hell the belts too if we have to. All she is asked to do is one bloody stich!!!! A SINGLE TAP ON THE MACHINE and she cannot even do that???!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of JOB, what is .....................'s job????? She does not even assist with making copies or putting paper in the printer but she gets paid every month end without fail. At whose expense? We all have our flaws we are not perfect but everyone keeps talking about the same person behind her back. Something must be done people. In the office people cannot even ask her to make them copies, God forbid you ask her to open the door when she is eating or sleeping. Guys this is mediocrity and if you keep wondering why you are circling the drain, you have PART of your answer.

The fact that I have to wait for ..................'s  to look for the file grates my tits! The only person in the office who is allowed to give ..............'s orders according to her is ...............'s  no one else and that is horrible. We do the work here, not her. We work the files here, we go to court here, not her. We bust our butts to make sure we get paid each month end each and every single one of us, NOT HER. This is wrong, I propose a Staff meeting on the 29th of August at 12:00. We cannot continue like this, I am not saying she must get fired, something has to be done, it would feel better if the phone was unattended because she is in a queue at the Master’s office honestly.

..............'s this is your office,  your name is written in bold outside and on your letter head. Do something she is frustrating processes.  

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Shekhinah - Different ft. Mariechan

All I can say is damn. So all it took was, a black girl being raised by a white family for us to be this blown away. Wow this song/album is explosive. I found my motivation, these are songs that make me proud to be South African.

This video made me late for work this morning, damnit that Mariechan girl got it going on. I love THEM BOTH they are toobomb. The visuals of the video nkosi yami YAAAASSSAAA!!

Tuesday, 24 July 2018


Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Generosity is love expressed in practical ways with joy. Generosity and justice are two character traits more needed in our selfish world. They come from a heart touched by grace and from a Father who is gracoius.

My Prayer...

Loving Father, I know I will meet people today who need me to be generous with my love, my time, my forgiveness and my money. Please help me to treat them fairly and with love, just as you have treated me. May my life reflect your grace to others who need your love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to

Friday, 22 June 2018

20 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone

things you dont owe anyone

“Never explain – your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.” – Elbert Hubbard
How many things in your day do you do because you feel you should? Well honestly, the word “should” should be eliminated from our vocabulary. The things we “should” do take us away from the things that matter, the things we must do to live our best and happiest life.
When we stop doing things because we feel we should and start defining the boundaries around what will add value to our lives, we can get on with the business of living our life.
The biggest thing we need to stop doing is explaining our decisions to others in hopes of their support. We should be confident enough in our decisions that someone else’s opinion doesn’t matter.
We all judge even when we try our hardest not to. We watch people, form opinions and make assumptions based entirely on their observations. So it’s no surprise that we assume other people are judging us. Knowing judgment is happening all around us, we feel the need to constantly explain ourselves to make sure people see us as we want to be seen.
How many times have you pretended to feel fine and tried to convince someone of this fact even though it is clear you don’t feel fine at all? We’ve all done it. Instead of faking fine try just being real without the need to apologize or explain. Give yourself the freedom to … Just. Be. Human. Everyone has imperfections, why bother to hide it?
Explaining takes your power and gives it to the other person. The best decisions come when we listen to how we feel and our gut instinct. But those sources aren’t usually well received in an explanation, so we make up an explanation the other person can relate to.
Unfortunately, there are many of us that feel the need to explain even though we know we shouldn’t. An explainer is waiting for someone else’s approval, and there is a lot of wasted energy in the waiting. It’s this waiting period that doubt creeps in; depression begins to expand, and unhappiness takes root. Waiting is wasted time.
When we explain, we move away from our greatest source of wisdom – our inner guide. We stop honoring ourselves and start placing more importance on the other person.
It’s hard to overcome the tendency to explain, but it can be done with focus and intention. Awareness is the key. To help you become more aware, here are 20 things you don’t owe anyone an explanation for.

  1. You don’t owe anyone a justification for your values and your priorities.
  2. You don’t owe anyone a yes when you want to say no.
  3. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your relationships, whether lovers or friends.
  4. You don’t owe anyone assistance with their happiness journey at the cost of your own.
  5. You don’t owe anyone a debate around your political views especially when the other person’s mind is made up.
  6. You don’t owe anyone an apology when you are not sorry, and you would make the same decision again.
  7. You don’t owe anyone a rationalization about why investing in yourself is important
  8. You don’t owe anyone the meaning of what you believe in.
  9. You don’t owe anyone a change in your appearance just to please them.
  10. You don’t owe anyone friendship, especially when they do not share your values.
  11. You don’t owe anyone a negative mindset so that you can commiserate with them.
  12. You don’t owe anyone access to information about your life that makes you uncomfortable
  13. You don’t owe anyone gossip material about other people just to fit in.
  14. You don’t owe anyone your time for their projects or for things that matter to them unless they matter to you too.
  15. You don’t owe anyone the commitment to try something “new” just because you were asked.
  16. You don’t owe anyone a safe place for constant complaining and dwelling in their poor choices.
  17. You don’t owe anyone an answer other than the truth to prevent them from being uncomfortable.
  18. You don’t owe anyone your services as a crisis counselor unless you are actually a crisis counselor.
  19. You don’t owe anyone false compliments just to make them feel better.
  20. You don’t owe anyone anything that doesn’t make you feel good and goes against your gut instinct.
Just remember this:
“What other people think of me is none of my business.” – Wayne Dyer
and then remember this:
“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove.” – Maya Angelou
The next time you are tempted to justify something, just remember that you can’t control what other people think. You can only control what you think and how you feel. If you are confident with your decisions then an explanation isn’t really necessary, is it?




How many times are you gonna apologize about the same thing, for something you have not done? I have a favorite radio station now, its VOICE OF HOPE FM 90.5 in Mpumalanga. To revive my spirit. This radio station reminds of my dear friend Nolwazi Maziya who is working in the UAE (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES). She is a child of God and through her life we must learn that God will take you to greater heights.

Thank God for people like her. Thank God for the light and the warmth. Oh Lord help us as a family heal and bring us closer. We love you, we yearn to be like you. Raise us up, recently I have started reading the Bible, ashamed that I have read many books in my lifetime but neglected the one I was born with. So its an elephant but I am biting it off piece by piece. That awkward moment when people use fragments of it to justify their actions. HOLISTIC! Holistic Approach.

A group of women have approached me wanting to lose weight, they need help, in the suburbs and in the hood. Help us to help them. My friend Hope loves Sports and he is good, yesterday he was in an accident, his car crashed, the whole bumper is gone and the two tyres in the front are done. His name is Hope though, he has to have Hope.

Look at us depending on ourselves and relying on our own strength and neglecting God's power. The anxiousness and the fear takes over and you cannot breathe, some have walls caving in on them, they are too terrified to even get out of bed in the morning. Just get on your knees and pay your tithes, thank him all the way, whatever situation you are going through love and thank God.

Thousand of unemployed youth, do they not know that we are our own LIBERATORS through Christ Jesus the SON of God. So that awkward moment when Noah was helped by a handful because either the other ones did not believe him, God or his plan. Those who did got saved. Get saved today. Do more and think less. Gospel over Gossip honestly the amount of time we spend going through other peoples issues and lives. It must come to an end, let us spend more time praising God and praying.


Today I bought my child yoghurt, it felt good.
Yes reality is sometimes you cannot even afford yoghurt, and its fine. Relying on my own power has left me stressed and frustrated. Leave it all up to God.

Have the Doctors things, have to make the Doctor's things and Sonia at the hospital. Black excellence channel it, one day you will testify. Even if you do its for you to relieve some of the words from you back to the universe and a keen ear.

Saw a tweet of a young man who told me to write as it is what is needed. True. Cannot believe I still do not own a camera to take pictures you never know, art is alive. Shout out to my friend Mfundo Vincent Nyambi who was featured on Mpumalanga News.

Speaking of feature a sister and friend needs to go back to the streets or the gym. So she can do what she do. Honestly though with the kidzzzzzz... It's all about the kidz. This nigga is ignoring my calls, like I am trying to feed my son and daughter. Speaking of son and daughter, working for my Boss's daughter is getting played out. I need to work for and feed my own. WORD

I asked her about an advance, she plain out ignored me. There is a reason why there is a policy such as advance. The employee may not request or receive more than one salary advance within a 12 month period; ... The amount of salary advanced may not exceed the amount of salary due to the employee at the time funds are advanced; 4. Repayment of the amount advanced must be made in full from the next regularly-processed paycheck.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

I don't know. I don't know! That has to be one of the hardest phrases for us to use. But when thinking about God and his ways, that's really all we can say. What we know about God is only what he in his grace has chosen to reveal to us. He is the Mystery of mysteries. He is the supreme knowable Unknown. Yet what we do know of him, what he has revealed to us in Jesus, is not only mighty and awesome, but loving and merciful.

My Prayer...

To you, O Lord God, I can only offer my wonder and awe. When I consider the vastness of the universe in which our tiny blue planet spins its existence, I am humbled at your wonderfully complex and expansive soveriegnty. At the same time, Abba Father, I treasure your nearness. You are the good far above all I know, the God who transcends space and time, and also God my Father who is ever near. Thank you for being accessible but not penetrable, available but not controllable. I thank you and praise you in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Friday, 11 May 2018


Word of the Day : May 11, 2018


adjective OH-shee-ohss


1 : producing no useful result : futile
2 : being at leisure : idle
3 : lacking use or effect : functionless

Did You Know?

Otiose was first used in English in the late-18th century to describe things producing no useful result. By mid-19th century, it was being used in keeping with its Latin source otiosus, meaning "at leisure." There is also the noun form otiosity, which predates otiose by approximately three centuries. That noun is rarely found in writing today, but it makes an appearance on the occasional spelling bee word list.


"Ever since I was seven years old, I have been collecting books and articles on the Great Flood, hoping to write the full account myself. David McCullough's The Johnstown Flood(1968) was so brilliant that it rendered my own ambition otiose." — Michael Novak, National Review, 4 June 2014
"He did not have the patience for otiose people like Gibson, whom he put in the same category as those rude reporters who continued to pester him daily with inane queries and ridiculous suggestions." — Godfrey Wray, Beyond Revenge, 2008


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Be kind and compassionate — two qualities that seem to be in short supply. Maybe it's because we hold up the wrong heroes. Unfortunately these two qualities are often seen as signs of weakness rather than strength. To forgive as God forgave us requires great courage and great strength. So let's be strong!

My Prayer...

Holy God, there is no way I can adequately thank you for sacrificing so much to forgive me. So this day, I pledge to be more like you: to share more of your kindness and grace with those who have wronged me. Today, I ask you to help me release my bitterness toward _____________ and I ask you to bless this person with your kindness and grace. By the power of Jesus' example I ask this. Amen.


I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees. - Pablo Neruda

How Long Is Too Long When It Comes To Having Sex?

How Long Is Too Long When It Comes To Having Sex?

August 23, 2013  |  
Take your pick from any memorable intense sex scene in a movie; Jason’s LyricJungle Fever, and Unfaithful have a few of my favorites. If it were up to the scenes in these movies, they would have us all thinking that good sex includes trying all of the Kama Sutra positions and going at it for hours upon hours (possibly in a field of grass). Movies rarely account for those moments when you almost kill yourself by tripping out of your own underwear, or when the wet spot in the bed becomes kind of repulsive afterwards. But there’s one thing that annoys me the most that they won’t admit: Anything more than 20 minutes starts to get more tiring than fun. I know I am not the only one who has been caught trying to watch Breaking Amish over my boyfriend’s shoulder because he wore out his welcome ten minutes earlier.
Image result for can sex be too longWe are so used to women running around talking about they don’t want a “one-minute man” that we never really made it clear that having sex for hours at a time is exhausting and can get downright uncomfortable if you’re distracted enough.  It could be because of men who are just plain bad in bed, social networking forcing our attention spans to become shorter and shorter, or unrealistic expectations women have because of Halle Berry begging Billy Bob to “make her feel good.”  But the truth is, sometimes short and sweet isn’t so bad and you just want the guy to wrap it up in more ways than one.
So what is the ideal duration for a single session? According to a survey noted by the UK’s Daily Mail, most couples were completely satisfied with anything between seven and 13 minutes when it came to a single encounter. When participants from both U.S. and Canada were asked to rate a range of times for sex that was “adequate, desirable, too short and too long,” anything over 13 minutes was rated “too long.”
When it comes to pleasure, it’s all about time management, folks.  The best encounters are a balance of 4play, passion, skill, intensity and an occasional head butt or “tooth toast” (you know, when you go to kiss and your teeth end up meeting before your lips do) just to break the tension.  Great sex doesn’t have to be epic every time or worthy of an NC-17 rating.  If you’re thinking you’re going to look like Zoe Saldana and feel like Janet Jackson every time you go to get it on, you’re setting yourself up for a fail. And if there’s one class that should be a piece of cake in life, it’s sex.
Not only do you run the risk for your mind to check out of encounters that run over the clock,  you can do some physical damage as well.  When a woman fails to get aroused, there’s a good chance that her lady parts will not produce enough lubrication, meaning that sex can become very painful very fast when partners begin to chafe in areas that they never thought they could. It’s nothing a little KY Jelly can’t fix, but what’s the point of going at it for hours at a time if you’re not enjoying yourself, or worse yet, if you’re uncomfortable? For men, about five percent of the population may experience delayed climax.  Sometimes this can be caused by having one Ciroc on the rocks too many, but when it happens on a regular basis, it could be a legitimate cause for concern.  Medications, anxiety, or previous sexual activity can all contribute to delayed climax.  Keep your expectations realistic. Fellas, if your goal is to give your girl the big “O,” keep in mind that most women don’t achieve it solely through vaginal penetration.
Sex should be about pleasure and intimacy, not proving a point about who can last the longest or your man bragging about “beating” anything up. Rough sex is one thing, but our parts were not meant to be pulverized, ladies.  Leave the marathons to House and Breaking Bad weekends spent with Netflix. Because rest assured fellas, if your 60+ thrusts are met with silence, there’s a good chance your girl is more into the idea of sleep than the work your putting in.
Toya Sharee is a community health educator and parenting education coordinator who has a  passion for helping young women build their self-esteem and make well-informed choices about their sexual health.  She also advocates for women’s reproductive rights and blogs about everything from beauty to love and relationships. Follow her on Twitter @TheTrueTSharee or visit her blog, Bullets and Blessings.  

pep talk

pep talk
  1. a talk intended to make someone feel more courageous or enthusiastic.
    "I was to meet my editor for a pep talk"

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Noble wife

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies... She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018


<p>blesses the proceedings in an extremely papal hat, which coordinates with her intricately embellished mini with train and matching shawl-collar coat (all Maison Margiela Artisanal); she adds Christian Louboutin heels, a custom Judith Leiber clutch and jewelry by Cartier, Gilan and Narcisa Pheres.</p>
<p>wears a curve-hugging golden sequin Atelier Versace gown with crosses beaded into the material and diamond cross necklaces by Lorraine Schwartz.</p>
                                <p>wears a gold-and-ruby brocade and beaded Atelier Versace gown with major attached skirt, Lorraine Schwartz jewelry (including a custom headpiece with 100 diamonds by the designer) and custom Christian Louboutin heels.</p>
                                <p>wears an Off-White c/o Virgil Abloh pants look with white Off-White c/o Jimmy Choo heels and Tiffany &amp; Co. jewelry.</p>
                                <p>wears a gauzy custom Coach slipdress with a bag by the brand and Tiffany &amp; Co. jewelry.</p>
                                <p>wears very on-theme beaded and feathered Balmain with Tiffany &amp; Co. jewelry and Jimmy Choo accessories.</p>

<p><a href="">dresses her bump</a> in custom Moschino with jewels, a custom headpiece, gloves and a massive train.</p>
                                <p>wears a stained-glass effect Atelier Versace gown with a rainbow angel wing across her body, Christian Louboutin heels and Lorraine Schwartz jewelry.</p>

<p>in a sky blue gown with a seraphic motif and bow veil atop her bun, plus Butani jewelry.</p>
                                <p>wears Valentino Haute Couture with a full collar and spiked golden headpiece.</p>
                                <p>wears an immaculate white suit with gold baroque print, a cape with cross imagery and tassel chain (all Atelier Versace), highly polished gold Christian Louboutin shoes and Bulgari jewelry.</p>

<p>wears a liquid gold long-sleeve Ralph Lauren Collection gown and Lorraine Schwartz headpiece and jewels.</p>
                                <p>finishes her sheer-skirted, off-the-shoulder black gown with a crown and rosary.</p>
                                <p>wears a high-shine sculptural dress, plus matching lucite-heel boots and a bag (both Brother Vellies) with a golden halo, as well as jewelry by Lorraine Schwartz and Ofira.</p>

<p>wears a sheer Dior Haute Couture gown with criss-cross panels and a crown with beaded veil, plus jewelry by Noudar.</p>
                                <p>wears a Chanel Haute Couture tea-length halter with tulle tiers and a beaded bodice, a feather-topped veil and Christian Louboutin heels.</p>
                                <p>wears a custom caped Ralph Lauren Collection velvet gown with Swarovski-crystal embroidered hood.</p>


day in court

my first day at court sucked tjo. happy that i proceeded so that I am be able to learn and get over my fear to address the court.

you are expected to know every single thing you have learned during your varsity years. my years of studying in varsity is a blurrrrrr.

costs, point in lime ayi no Lord I do not remember. read, read, read everyday and everything. that sad realisation that you need to read every single case law and Act there is in South Africa.

when do you sleep? uhm never. kwaaa Legally blonde and Ally Macbeal were my favourite movie and series. was convinced i wanted to be an attorney, now I am and its hard.
nothing worth having is easy they say. well they are not directors of a company, a mother of 2, a daughter, a business woman, a sister, a friend and a girlfriend all at the same time. 

nothing ever prepared me for the reality Nkosi yami ngi size hahaha. just like learning how to drive I remember how I used to shake and tremble, look at me now driving like i was born behind the wheel. only thought I would drive a manual, now she can handle an automatic as well. I can drive  a small car and a big car. it took some practise so who knows? maybe one day I can handle the Magistrate Court, the High Court and the Comstitutional Court.

i remember how i use to aspire to park a car by reverse like all the pro's i used to see growing up. i am doing it now. practice makes perfect! 

Home to roost

Image result for chickens will come home to roostImage result for chickens will come home to roostImage result for chickens will come home to roostChickens coming home to roost

Q From Judge George H Foster, Jr, Phoenix, Arizona: Can you explain the genesis of the phrase chickens coming home to roost?
A As a proverbial expression it’s half a millennium old.
The older fuller form was curses are like chickens; they always come home to roost, meaning that your offensive words or actions are likely at some point to rebound on you. The idea goes back to Chaucer, though he expressed it rather differently in The Parson’s Tale, around 1390, writing that curses are like “a bird that returns again to his own nest”.Various versions are recorded down the years, but chickens appeared on the scene only in the nineteenth century, in Robert Southey’s oriental epic poem The Curse of Kehama of 1810. The image of farm chickens going out to forage during the day but coming back to the safety of the hen-house at dusk would have been familiar to his readers. It’s easy to find examples from then on, such as the one in Roughing it in the Bush, Or, Life in Canada, by Susanna Moodie, of 1852: “The next time the old woman commences her reprobate conduct, tell her to hold her tongue, and mind her own business, for curses, like chickens, come home to roost.” That form is still common, mainly in North America.
Image result for chickens will come home to roostDuring the nineteenth century, the proverb was abbreviated to its modern form. An early example was in the Wisconsin Patriot on 10 November 1855: “Barstow has always been a belter, and he need not complain to find his chickens coming home to roost.”
You can tell the expression had become widely known by the middle of the nineteenth century because it was abbreviated still further into the elliptical home to roost. James Russell Lowell wrote in 1870, “All our mistakes sooner or later surely come home to roost.” Sometimes this could lead to weird images, as in Mr Punch’s History of the Great War of 1919, in which a character claims that a man’s “wild oats are coming home to roost”. Other forms are known, such as curses come home to roost, which is in Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind.
Image result for chickens will come home to roost
