my mom is bribing my daughter with the prospects of her going to school tomorrow.
the trap of growing up should be postponed. personally I do not feel comfortable with encouraging my children to grow up too soon, the world is a harsh place.
look at us! all of us! we wanted to grow up so badly. my friend called in a panic the other day, he cannot breathe he is trapped in his own growing up. he told me of the guy who apparently jumped out of the Discovery building in Johannesburg all because of growing up.
let the children enjoy their youth and may they stay forever young, like Jesus who likened the people who will see the kingdom of heaven to be like children. everyone knows I am a child with children and will personally stay that way. and ain't got no time with anybody telling me any different.
Friday, 12 October 2018
Lebo Sekgobela - Moya (Live) [Restored 2016]
a beautiful rendition to the giver of all things and the magnificent father we have in heaven and all around us.
Listening to this song literally bought tears to my eyes, it moves my spirit. it bears testament to the Holy Spirit of our heavenly father who keeps on doing great things.
Living here on earth be weary of being moved by anything else but God. Do not look to be moved by people, events, places or things all those are fleeting like sand in your hand, the warmth and glory of Jehovah is forever.
Tis a reminder oh mortal, that seek the Lord and his righteousness all the days of your life. Ask God to order your steps and even when he has ordered those steps ask him to give you the words to say and the appropriate action.
Oh the danger of relying on yourself is real and will capsize you. Hold on to this and call on it even in your sleep.
Thursday, 4 October 2018
Ntobeko it's fixed girl just for you okaaay. Other day we were talking with Nolwazi and the message was type what is in your heart. Do not think about it too much girl.
She asked about paragraphs and punctuation, the answer was don't think about it too much, too much, too much ...tooo much it will all make sense. that awkward moment when not everyone has listened to Frank Ocean. 

Oh Frank! he was a phase when we did not think too far ahead... thinking about forever like he did. forever? that is unchartered territory, not a single letter from there. poetry, writing words live forever. Sometime somewhere this will be studied, Ntobeko and Nolwazi make it count.
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