It was during 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic had jumped boarders and made its way into South Africa, we were all panicking and uncertain of the future and what it holds. I felt it was unfair because I had just landed one of the biggest clients and the shut down was going to have a negative impact on my work. I was working with someone and that was not working out. On the eve of the announcement of the shut down, I decided to take a leap of faith and register a company, not knowing if it will be approved or when.
I registered the company in secret because there is a lot of power in privacy, the more people know about your plans, the higher the chances of them not materialising. I received the e-mail that changed my life 2 weeks later, confirmation that XOLILE NGWENYA ATTORNEYS was incorporated. I could not believe it and still do not believe it now. So i reached out to my friend Mfundo Vincent Nyambi, a very talented graphic designer to hook me up with a logo. He delivered and did not disappoint. I received 3 options and decided on the 3rd one because you know "3's a charm" and have never looked back ever since.
My baby was born on the 11th of May 2020in the middle of the pandemic and that bears testament to our resilience and tenacity. We do not allow situations to define our lives, we define our lives through Gods counsel and help. Looking back at where we started we still cannot believe where we are. It is by God's grace that we do what we love and are good at everyday.

Fast forward to 2 years ago, I had opened a kitchen in my old hood thinking I would make enough money on the side to substitute my meagre candidate attorney salary. That venture was a good idea but the location was not, operating in the township opened up my eyes to a lot of things I had suspected about hood folk growing up. Needless to say I learned from that experience who my real friends are and who really supports my initiatives, it is funny how the same loyal customers of my little kitchen were my first clients in my law firm. I need to note that I found it so comical how so many confused admirers were confused by my opening a kitchen, given a legal background. The conversations they must have had about the subsequent closure of my kitchen is now the dust on their faces.
I am a firm believer of reinvention and not taking any form. If you take a form you become predictable and in turn are at the mercy of the peanut gallery. You need to be formless and adapt to situations the best way you know how. Why fit in when you were born to stand out? One of the questions that have plagued my entire existence on this earth. Sure life is not easy and neither are the decisions we make, that is a reality no one is exempt from, no matter how they might look on the outside. But in the famous words of R.S Tlokana, "WE MOVE".
I have no ambitions to be any other persons role model but my own. Through life you learn that people are like moths to light. If you are the light, you need to protect that light otherwise the moths will cover it into darkness. Until recently I used to think that moths loved the light ,until I realised what they are capable of doing to that light and its surroundings if you leave the doors and windows open. It got me thinking, are the moths as in love with the light as I have been believing all along or do they envy the light and want to become it? Just food for thought.
Back to Xolile Ngwenya Attorneys it is a juristic person and a work in progress, it has a mind of its own and its own needs and wants. Running a business is not easy and it takes a lot of hard work, smarts ,determination, tears, smiles, laughter and sacrifice to get it right. So here is to many years of practising , hopefully one day we will get it right and will remove the training wheels. I guess its true what Albert Einstein said , life is like a bicycle and to keep your balance, you need to keep
Kind Regards
Ms- Curvy