Tuesday, 11 January 2022


I just saw some lady I know's status on Watsapp it read "harde mabebeza" and it immediately reminded me of this BANGER. I hope you enjoy this throwback as much as I did. 💃💃 

Thursday, 6 January 2022

One foot in front of the other


Unemployment is a state of mind. If you can think it, you can achieve it. Maybe it is true that a lot of people do not think, they are dependent on others to think for them. Imagine being unable to feed yourself and your kin just because the thread is not touching the paraffin and your brain won't turn on.

Having children when I did was my biggest driving force. Also having the types of parents I do, who will cut you off and let you starve until you learn to fend for yourself because they starved too and had to make it against all odds. 

I sought out inspiration wherever I went. I was motivated by other people's drive and never intimidated. I wanted to learn how to fish, so I surrounded myself with people who fish. It's true that show me your friends and I will show you your future. My friends are doing extremely well for themselves and that energy has propelled me to work harder and do well for myself as well. 

If you chill with 4 whores, you are the 5th one. Choose your friends and the energy you keep around you wisely . If you are with 4 people who gossip about others and go through other people's lives with a tooth pick, you are the fifth person holding a tooth pick. 

The country is in a crisis, there are no jobs because we are not creating them. The majority of the country is dependent on social grants and social housing. In their heads people have rights but no responsibilities, cry our beloved country. I repeat, unemployment is a state of mind. You need to wake up and create. It is inherent in every single one of us to create as we have been created by thd Creator, in his image. There are no excuses, no one eats excuses. We have an entire army of stupid people carrying smart phones, that's another pandemic. People who use smartphones for pictures and social media but not to improve their own lives. 

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to wake up in the morning 
and go do what I love. I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, I have to work for everything I want and have. What I would like to do is inspire an entire generation to remember or rather know their generational mission and that is; ECONOMIC FREEDOM IN OUR LIFETIME.  NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US, WE NEED TO SAVE OURSELVES. 

This afternoon I realized it's far where I come from and it's far where I am going to. The road is hard and narrow. If I fall 7 times I have rise 8 times more. Today I was reminded that success occurs when preparation meets opportunity. You need to get ready so that you don't have to get ready. I love biblical parables like the one of the 10 virgin girls. We need to be prepared like the 5 girls who made sure that they had enough oil in their lamps.  Stay prepared.


Warrior of light.

Find your light in the darkness. Before man discovered fire and electricity he must have adapted well to darkness until he discovered his own light.

Do not depend on anyone but God and yourself. In a world where we think we can see, we are surrounded by darkness we cannot see. Be your own hero, rely on your God given instincts and follow your light. 


Sunday, 2 January 2022


The narrative while I was growing up was never marriage and it still is not. 
This is for all those who question other peoples choices, we mean those living under the misapprehension that marriage is an achievement. In our country having a driver's license is an achievement so we are not surprised people think that getting married is a mark of success.

 The narrative for some is happiness and freedom. The happiness to choose how to live your life and make use of your own time and the freedom to be who you want to be, when you want to be with whom you want to be, without any labels. People shouldn't be worried about what is going on in other people's lives, they should be worried about the fact that, why are they worried about other people's lives in the first place!!!!!!!

Nywe nywe dogs bark at moving cars and people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. One thing you learn about life and human beings is that we are all flawed, we are all going through something. Why then do you choose to deflect on our own issues and compare them with someone elses to make yourself feel good? 

Its like an overweight person going in on an obese person, uhm you are both overweight and have serious problems with your health and eating habits. Does the other fat persons cellulite, magically remove your bulging stomach?  Why don't you go to the gym. This is called an anology, I used it to make my point. Hopefully my readers can read between the lines and I don't have to spell everything out to them....bleh. 

Some of my pieces are introspective and some retrospective. They are healing not only for the the writer hereof but also the reader. Sometimes I go into a trance while writing and lose myself in my words and the texts, I often wonder if the end user also finds themselves in the same place. 

Ladies need to hustle, this whole "a man must" sounds amazing on paper and on the gram but in reality it is a select few who reap the fruits that they didn't plant. 

For the rest of the realists and also select few women who have inherited the gift and curse of "reason" and thinking capacity its always those daunting questions that play in the back of their minds... 
"what if he loses it all" or " what is my role in life, am I just supposed to shut up and look pretty" or " what is my contribution to society" and " but I have my own voice, my own dreams and ambitions that I want to realize, surely I am more than just a pretty face".

The world changes because it has to. There was a once a time when men were the end all and be all in all societies and the household, but if it were so amazing and it worked so well then why did it change?  Is it because the principle was flawed and needed adjustment or was it because it was idealistic and not realistic? 


Saturday, 1 January 2022

In the new year

People who are not happy with themselves or their own lives will never be happy with you.

The real question is why do we expect people to be happy with us in the first place? Why don't we just be happy with ourselves? 

The truth is subjective and you are allowed to have your own truth, as long as it does not affect anyone negatively or sow division amongst people intentionally. Your truth should be yours and you should use it to advance your cause and to protect yourself from untruths about yourself.

In the new year, try and live your truth and own it. Walk in your truth and wear it as a badge of honor if you have to. You don't have to rub it in anyone else's face as they have their own truth. Do not allow anyone to dim your light because of their own insecurities, stop making other people's problems your own and overcompensating. Life is too short, no one makes it out alive. 

Kind Regards 
