Stories Unlimited is an organisation for the youth started by the youth. We
speak to it’s founder Mr. Rolihlala Ndlovu or Holly as he is affectionately
known amongst his friends about it’s objectives, goals and most importantly its
successes. This young man with the help
of his Success Team intends on changing how the youth view Success. It’s an
initiative aimed at inspiring, motivating and uplifting the youth of this
“A lot of people can relate
to the cause as well as the hardships faced by the youth of this country. I
think another reason is they are inspired by us being a young group of people
trying to make a difference.”
1.Tell me how you first
got involved with a non-profit organization?
It came as an idea; I asked myself how I can be of help to the youth
especially the ones from the townships like the one I grew up in, who are not
afforded the same luxuries or information that was available to me.
- 2. What's your first memory of something related to the Cause?
I think it would be reading the current statistics of unemployment,
illiteracy and poverty in South Africa. I realized that I am a father and
there’s a possibility my own children will go through the same system, and I
want to change that.
3. What has surprised you
most about working with the Non-Profit?
It has changed me as a person and the people’s lives I am able to
change. I was also pleasantly surprised by how much people are willing to give
their time, money and presence.
- 4. What do you find most
challenging about SSU?
What I found most challenging in the beginning was how you have to put
yourself aside for the betterment of others while at the same time trying to
better yourself.
5.What's the best/worst
thing to happen since you started working with Non Profit?
The best would have to be given the opportunity to run motivational
seminars in high schools around Ehlanzeni District.
The worst would have to be sometimes not having enough funds available
to materialize our objectives.
6. When you last
volunteered, how did that make you feel?
I remember I was emotional and joyous because I was standing in
something that was once a dream.
- 7. If you could change
one thing about Success Stories Unlimited what would it be?
- 8. What do you wish other
people knew about SSU?
They should know that it’s a non-profit organization for the youth. We
believe that by motivating and empowering them we will help them change their
lives and mindsets.
- 9. Tell me about some of
the people you've met while working on the Cause?
I have met a lot of people who have inspired us as the Success Team not
only as individuals but as a team. They are too many to mention.
10.What would you say are
some of your strongest beliefs about your cause?
My definition of success is not what you have, but what you have done
for other people. I believe it’s a catalyst that will help redefine the
mentality of the youth. It will inspire them to want more and unlock their
potential and not be defined by their backgrounds. 
11. What's your personal
philosophy on what should be done about your cause?
The government, corporate and the youth should participate and get more
involved. There must be willingness by the people to involve themselves and
encourage the spirit of learning. In
order for the youth to derive a benefit they must cooperate and get involved in
our programs.
12.Tell me about someone
who has influenced your decision to work with Nonprofit?
Pastor Oupa Pilane.- 13. What might someone be
surprised to know about you?
This is not about me or my surprises it’s about the cause.
A lot of people can relate
to the cause as well as the hardships faced by the youth of this country. I
think another reason is they are inspired by us being a young group of people
trying to make a difference.
- 15. What would you tell someone who is thinking about donating, volunteering, etc.?
On the question of donating I would tell them that they are investing in
the future of the country that is vested in its youth. On volunteering, the
experience and interaction with the people you are trying to help is enough to
do it, because it really does change and touch your life.
16.What do you think will
change about SSU over the next five years?
- 17. What's it like to be
Its life changing in the sense that you have to re-evaluate what life
was before and what it is after the cause.
18. If you weren't doing
what you are doing, what would you be doing instead, what would your life
be like?
I probably would have been part of another organization that has more or
less the same objectives as us.
19. How would someone describe
Have a poll and ask them.
- 19. What do you do when
you aren't working, volunteering?
We are all currently busy with our studies.
- 21. What else can you tell
me about SSU?
If I could sum it up in one sentence it would be: “catalyst for change.”

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