enesis1:3 And God said let
there be light! Meet Thabo Magagula or Touch has he has come to be known
amongst his friends. He is a 25 year old Engineering graduate from The University
of Johannesburg. This young man is already causing electric waves; pun intended
in his chosen career path. I speak to him and find out what success means to
him and how he is enjoying the fruits of his hard labour.
Magagula is .. A product of the kasi with a dream of making it big like
everyone has.
first time I got to UJ I remember thinking.. Would I make it or I came to feed
the statistics but through God I pulled through...Amen
last day at UJ was.. I had mixed emotions, I even felt like it came soon coz I
was still enjoying the best time/stage of my life which, was student life.
hardest thing
university has to be.. Being disciplined and actually studying lol.
I got that paper I said. It’s done, it was that déjà vu feeling I had with my
last paper in matric but it only happens when you’re crazy prepared.
03-06-2012...was the first time I went
10. The first thing I saw when I
landed was... The France airport jam
packed with Air France planes then it started sinking in.
11. My first impression
Europe was.. That everyone knows English, only to find out that’s not the case.
12. The difference between engineering
in South Africa and overseas is.. They are more passionate and also more
insightful but thanks to the fact that engineering is born there, here in
RSA/Africa we mainly maintain and assembly we don’t do things from scratch.eg
automobile industry.
13. Before I boarded that plane .. My
boys and I made a movie at the Airport in Capellos. We were sipping on mojito’s for
my farewell.
14. I’m an ambassador of my trade
because.. I am passionate about what I do.
15. I never leave home without.. my
Smart Phone, Sneakers and toilet bag in my car.
16. My three most expensive buys to
date are..My car, Burberry cologne and taking a spin in a Yatch.
18. In the next 5 years I see ..my career peaking.
19. What I wish the young Thabo
knew.... that the past will never determine the
20. My definition of a young diamond
is.. Being able to shine under trying circumstances.

21. Success is.. How many people you
have blessed. That is how I measure my success.
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