Everything means something to him, me included. When I am with him I don't want anything else but to stay close and listen to the heart beat,which he taught me to pay attention to, he took my hand placed it on his heart and said: do you hear how its beating? It's happy and overjoyed you are here. We purify each other with that fire that burns deep down and eternally. He causes me to smile just by the mere thought of him, my heart flutters and my toes curl.
I met someone who finishes my thoughts and lives in my head for all the right reasons. I learned patience and the art of dismissing thoughts which are not worthwhile. In other words he helped me to understand the power of my min and gave me the gift of insight on how to control my own thoughts and not let them engulf me or run away with me. The fact that he has found himself in this crazy world and he understands who and what he is just drives me insane, my mouth goes dry and my heart skips a beat. A man of minimalistic living, who is not a child of this world but of who his spirit belongs to.He is as humble and as shy as they get,praise is not what he seeks from people, but I am not people I am the 7 to his full circle.

Every superhero has his or her weakness, Samson had his hair and Achilles his heel, mine is his locks in all their glory. Running my fingers through them makes me feel like what I am and that is a woman, for those brief moments I get lost in time and in him. I know I have a very wild imagination, but not even I could imagine him, he is real and true to every letter of the word real. I never thought memories were all I needed to hold on to someone that and the assurance and promise that he is doing the same. They say you are what you answer to, if that's the case then I am a Queen, Empress and Ndlovukazi as he likes to call me, I own it because that's what my King knows I am. This is a jungle, stripes for stripes,spots for spots and this Lioness for her Lion.

Kind Regards
Ai Ngeke. Nam ngyamufuna lobhuti awwwwwww! Gawwwwwwd!