I choose brains over beauty any day. Not that the looks aren't there, but because they make one shallow,conceited and stunt mental growth. How some people always centre their entire being on their looks baffles me. Its petty and down right sad. I refuse to be objectified, let alone objectify myself because of the way I look, unlike some empty people I know, I find it offensive because I know I am way more than that, way waaAAy more. You cannot help but feel pity for pretty faces without any substance or real sense of self worth.
I call this piece, Thank God I am F.A.T because I really do. Being a big girl has made me who I am today and although being big was not a walk in the park, it helped shape me into who I am today. I spent time developing the other facets of myself, while others were too preoccupied with what they saw in the mirror. I disliked what I saw in the mirror so that meant I didn't spend too much time there and again I say THANK GOD. During this time, I learned indepedence,control and most importantly I strapped myself with enough information that makes me way smarter than most if not all the pretty or hot chicks I know. That is an undisputed fact! Whilst they were wasting their time on worthless and most times untrue compliments, I was reading and growing both mentally and spiritually.
Beauty really fades, I don't know whether people are aware of that. Every person is multi faceted but conceitedness, covers all of that and what a person is reduced to at the end of the day is just another pretty face which will end up in some idiots bed because of him telling her things about herself(looks) she already knows anyway. I don't get why people want people telling them what they already know? At the end of the day being pretty is a con and not a pro because there is already a misconception that all pretty chicks are generally dumb, but do you really blame anyone who thinks that, when most beautiful girls are so superficial and vain and that's really all they are,trust me I have proven it. Anyway back to looks being a con, they are because compliments become a drug and these guys whose bed these girls end up in because of them, are pushers. I don't understand how people who go on about their looks so much, end up sleeping around just to be told what they already know?!!
When people talk about me, in an ideal world I would like them to talk about my integrity, truth, wisdom,intelligence and good deeds. I never want to become an object,I have too many good qualities and I am,I repeat more than that. That's one thing I told someone I had relations with. I told him that if he is with me because its only about sex with him then he must let me know, because they are a lot of guys I can just have sex with and who would kill for the chance trust me,and that's all he thinks I am a sexual object,then shame on him for living a lie because even he knows I am way, waAAY more than that and I deserve better.

Kind Regards
Fank God dt iam Fabulous And Thick*extra smile#i love dz#