For all we know that friend could be you ..shiiit.. holding on to that pole for dear life.

Your friends and family done had interventions. Trying talk a sister in to letting go, but she ain't having'' dat.
All that here talk about, leave he ain't good to you or he ain't good for you, she ain't having. Do you know why?
Hahahaha cause she ain't here for that, that aint her ministry and she ain't about to testify! she ain't here for any of dat,!
She is however here for the "D". It got a sister hooked so bad she ain't even combing her hair no more. All she does is think of when she is moving out of home so she can keep Mandingo closer.
Kwaaaaa nah fam, the D ain't all that. Stop trying to find reasons to stay. I mean in this instance, a sister might misplace her bladder and other internal important organs.
Nigga dick so big, he get up in there and feng-shui some shit. now your pancreas is where the kidneys out to be. Dick so big, your kidneys do a Usher 8701 and separate daaaamn!
Nah fam, like a sisters intestines and all that shit has been re-arranged by Kangaroo Jack. Nah ah ain't nobody got time foe dat, nah ah lol
Some sisters hold on to dick tighter than they would to a life buoy if they were to be stranded in the ocean. DAMN!they would drown.
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