"You write differently in each book. It may appear to be similar to readers, but you're a different writer in each book because you haven't approached that subject before. And every subject brings out a different prose strain in you. Fundamentally, yes, you're contained as one writer. But you have various voices. Like a good actor."
"Ms. Dimpho Dee More" ladies and gentlemen.
I guess I fell in love with this incredible young woman when I first laid eyes on her at the Salon of the late "Mancane" at Way Inn, Kanyamzane 1214. There was something about her beautiful eyes and smile that captured me instantly. She is one of the most genuine and beautiful, hardworking, humble souls I know. Her honesty and charisma are always welcome, they are like an umbrella on a rainy day.
Today Dimpho is setting Johannesburg thee City of Lights ablaze with her talent and nobody can overlook face which is always beat. This young woman's beauty is one for the ages. We can see her on PEOPLE's most beautiful people in 5 years time. Ms Dee More has made her Instagram followers and Facebook friends her PIRATES, Yaaaaassssss she slaughters us every time.
I have always wanted to do a feature on this rising star! Dynamite really does come in small packages, its only a matter of time before this one explodes. She's got that thiiiing man you know, the thing that makes the thing not to be done, done?! Yaaas that thing.
We sat down with Ms Dee More to have a little more insight into her life, career,current projects and aspirations.
She was cordial enough to accept our polite request to probe into the life of one of Africa's next super stars.
1. 1..Tell
me about your education..
Well, I studied Performing Arts and Theatre
Skills at the Market Theatre Laboratory; it was an intensive 2-year course
where I majored in Acting (Theatre).
2. Do you have any questions for me?
I hadn’t, but out of curiosity - why an insert on me?
2. Do you have any questions for me?
I hadn’t, but out of curiosity - why an insert on me?
An insert on you because you are amazing and as young black women we need to propel each other to the heights we believe in our hearts we will one day reach.
3. What kind of roles do you prefer?
I believe that anything challenging is a gift to the actor. I definitely love to constantly broaden my versatility as an actor; so I don’t prefer any roles really. I do however prefer a well-written script, ‘heightened text’ being an example. I love using my words to affect people.
4. Tell me about a time when you had a really bad day but had to perform that night. How did you get through it?
Haha, recently when I was doing a show called “Itsoseng”; I had a bad day suffering from adulating. But it worked wonders for my performance because I used my frustration to drive me and delivered a very emotional performance.
5. Describe your acting style.
My style of acting I would like to think is where performance meets truth. I love to perform and portray but I love to connect with my fellow actors/audience as much if not more. The script provides the guidelines and the performance is informed by my interpretation of the characters emotional state at that moment.
6. What was the biggest audience you have performed in front of?

My biggest audience was a full-house in The John Kani ‘Main’ Theatre at The Market Theatre which holds 265 people.
7. Who is your favorite actor
May I mention two? Meryl Streep and Siyabonga Thwala.
8. What is the most extreme change to your personality, hair, body weight, etc etc, that you have done to prepare for a role?
I played an Italian character called Madama Pace who was a “Madame” – She owned a brothel. She had an accent and failed dismally at her attempt in speaking English. Because it was a stage play my transformation was not drastic; an accent, costume and make-up brought her to life.
9. What character was the toughest for you to change into?
There is a character named “Dolly” that I play in ‘Itsoseng’, her story is a heartbreaking one. It was challenging to play her because I had to play someone who gave up on themselves and I as ‘Dimpho’ am a fighter. But you always have to remember to remove yourself and be vulnerable.

10. When was your first role as an actor?
In my first year of tertiary in Cape Town, I did a short film that I feel I should take a little more seriously haha. It was for a film student’s final, it was an experience I pay more mind to now than I did back then.
11. Are you able to work long hours?
Haha, I am pretty much obliged to. I have no choice but to sometimes, but my patience/tolerance comes from my passion for what I do. Besides, it’s the only thing I do.
12. Tell me about a time where you had difficulty with a character. What was the character and why was it challenging?
Up to so far it has to be Dolly in "Itsoseng" as I have already alluded to before, the character is a woman who has given up on herself. I personally have a fighting spirit and do not give up. It was hard playing a woman who I could personally not relate to or identify with within myself.
13. Do you
have any special skills that you can demonstrate for me?
I have the ability to do different
accents – which is self-taught. I also (because I am such a huge fan) can
impersonate Rihanna; in performance and vocal quality.
14. Tell
me about what you're working on now.
I am currently working on a voice
over for an animal show on Boomerang TV (the cartoon channel); I am performing
‘The Summoning of Everyman’ with a cast of four females at high schools; I am
working on a production called ‘Khongolose Khomanding Khomissars’ with another
all-female cast of five.
15. Do you
think you could have done a past performance better? What was the
performance? Why could you have done it better?

16. What
sort of acting roles will you be seeking in the future?

17. Are
you a union member?
No, I should be right?
18. In
which area would you like to improve as an actor?
I would (will) like to improve on
my physicality when performing certain characters; I would (will) like to trust
myself more and let go.
19. Of all
the roles you have played in the past, which is your favorite?
A lead role I did in a play called
‘Of Thorns and Roses’; that characters emotional journey was like a
roller coaster. It was wonderful to tell the story of a very angry but
submissive woman, who continues to be in/out of love with her husband.
20. Tell
me about your experience with improvisation.
Because I come from an institution
that focused a lot on your ability to ‘play’ on stage, I would say my improv is
quite good. Because I have allowed myself to ‘play’, I am able to respond
accordingly to anything within ‘the environment’.
21. Tell me
a little about yourself.
There is quite a lot to tell really
I am generally a curious cat; I love to learn more and constantly better
myself. I perform for the most part of my life and one of my mottos is ‘If you
can’t do it, act it’.
I love artistry and just the nature, spirit and culture
of creative characters. I absolutely cannot live without music and you can call
me a hippie.
22. What
are your weaknesses?
This sounds much ‘scripted’ (but I
art a performer though) but I am my own weakness. I do sometimes get in the way
of myself by not trusting myself enough to achieve certain things, that has
proven to be quite the setback in the past but I continue to grow my
One of my favourite strengths is my
ability to fight and never to let myself down; I have literally
bulldozed/dragged myself out of the testiest of times. Haha, others I would say are that I am able
to best articulate anything I want to get across; I have a very good artistic
intuition and I master anything I do haha.
You can follow Dimpho @therealdeemore on Instagram..
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