Lamb to the slaughter. People need to figure stuff out themselves and stop relying on others to do that for them.
Oh my soul when will we learn to be sufficient and not rely on other peoples talents, experience, wisdom,creativity and hard work?
Ever been in a position where folk want to force you on to some pedestal and praise you? Nah honey praise God! If you have no relationship with him, connect now.
We all die. No human being is that special and has outlived all others in the history of mankind. Let us stop celebrating mediority
. We are all mediocre and fall short when compared to GOD or anything celestial.
Since the dawn of time we have been praising mediocrity lol. Think about it. If humans and their inventions were so spectacular they would outlive their inventors and be kept in the original form but they don't. They change and are "improved" all the time.
A new car this year, will depreciate and have no value in 20 years time. We put too much emphasis on people and things. That' why when things don't work for us anymore we either neglect, throw away, improve or give away. Hey you can't do that with people.
There were great kings and queens, great civilisations once upon a time, they perished. Still Cult of personalities. Once someone is doing something different and it works for them in a world where nothing is working...then they are revered. Soon they too will reveal their mortal imperfection and then guess what? The end.
Do not give into the hype. There is only one Messiah and that is Jesus Christ you need to be humble, sit down. Stay clear of the trappings of being the solution for others problems when you yourself are trying to figure out your own.
Save yourself. Run for your life.
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