Wednesday 16 September 2015

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.

You woke up this morning now smile and get over yesterday. My 7 year old told me to get over the past this morning while I was telling him "when I was in school it didn't happen like that". Lol it's true though get over the past it happened, there's nothing you can do to change it. Do not even think too much of the future nobody knows what will really happen. Live in the now and work with what you have. I'm not saying don't learn from the past I'm just saying don't live in it. Some of us are still literally living there. Holding on to old clothes, memories, songs, old hurts and old joys that we do not appreciate or enjoy what is happening now. What a waste of a life. 

Guess it's true that you must wake up with a "what can I do today" kind of attitude. Well today I helped my son get ready for school, took my baby to the clinic, spent time with my other baby, penned down this and my day has only just started. Baby steps, I look around me and I am grateful that's why there is always eternal sunshine in this spotless mind and judging by the stares and love I'm surrounded shows.

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