Thursday 10 July 2014


"A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy."

I heard somewhere the other day that a woman must look for or rather find a man who loves her more. This is true because women give too much of themselves without restriction while the other partner just takes it all without considering how spread thin she might be.

Think of yourself as an inheritance. Do you notice how many people who receive it feel like they are entitled to it and selfishly squander it? That person will keep withdrawing it until there is nothing left, because they do not in most times know the true value of their inheritance and did not have to work for it. This is true with most relationships. You find the one partner just withdrawing, without saving or putting anything back. Then one day they really need to make a withdrawal, when they get there they find INSUFFICIENT FUNDS!

Moral of the story? You are not entitled to having a loving, understanding,committed,caring,supporting,motivating partner, its called grace. In my native tongue we call it "MUSA". If you are lucky or blessed enough to stumble upon such an inheritance, value it and always deposit more than you want to withdraw, I can guarantee the interests are always worth it.So in essence love the one you are with, cherish them just like you are going through something I can guarantee they are going through the same if not more sometimes. 

We need to be there for each other it must never be single sided. When you take something,always remember you have an obligation to give. I wish people would understand that "giving"does not always mean money! You can give your TIME, ATTENTION and AFFECTION, that I have come realise is far more valuable than money. Some if not most people claim they love you but they never prove it with actions. Its time you demand them to act. Its true that what hurts us the most is the things we never say. I am telling you today to say them all, let the other person know how you feel.

A woman if made to feel loved,wanted,valued and protected can turn a pauper into a King. The same applies to a man, if a man feels loved,secure,wanted,valued and is fed he can turn a peasant into a Queen. All we need is to be in tune with ourselves. Being in tune with yourself means you treat someone with the same courtesy you treat yourself, it is second nature. If you do not like someone not answering your phone when you call, WHY do you not answer the other persons phone? If you like going out and spending time with your friends, WHY does it become a problem when the other person wants to do it?  If you do not like being ignored, WHY do you ignore the other person?  To support whatever I have said, further readind lead me to the first verse I learned at school in Grade 1. It's one of those principles that is embedded in and will never forget ; Matthew 7 v 12
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

Kind Regards

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