Thursday 5 September 2013

LACE WEAVES an identity crisis!

I cannot for the life of me begin to wrap my head around the so called lace weave. It is a serious identity crisis as far as I am concerned. The lengths black women are willing to go through to look like chimpanzees baffles me. Where do I begin? The ridiculous and horrid hairline which begins on peoples foreheads or the fact that it is pathetic sewing on someone else's complete identity on your head and hiding your own!

I had a heated conversation with someone this morning about this pathetic and desperate measure to be "western". It makes my blood boil and then curdle at the sight of this absolute rubbish! When have other nations ever bought our fro or dreads and sewn them on their heads? NEVER!!!!!! So please explain to me why you do? I believe it's ignorance and fear of the self. If you are aware of yourself then I do not believe you would want to carry around someone else who else who does not even regard you as a human being on your head. Why not carry yourself?

I am totally against it for a number of reasons besides the fact that I have never seen anyone who looks good in it, yes including Nicki Minaj and Khanyi Mbau, it is not doing anyone justice and frankly it continues to turn us into clowns. I cannot take anyone with a full head of synthetic hair, fake eyelashes and fake nails seriously I am sorry. It is true that a lot of girls be walking around with fake from head to toe and they wonder why they are alone and cant find a real man.
I wonder if most of you know or even care about the fact that they are making our little girls cut their hair at these schools because it looks untidy and is not clean? That is a heart breaking reality that most of these weave wearing haffers are oblivious to, that thing on your head is clouding your reality. Take it off and think about those little girls who grow up thinking their OWN hair is dirty,unacceptable and unhygienic. She will grow up to be like you, only worse because she is going to spend her life chasing after ideals that are not her own. She will grow up to hate herself and not even know who she is...just like? You guessed it..YOU!! Justify it all you want but it is what it is and that is the truth. Truth is everyone has been given the same amount of hair, just different textures! Don't believe me? Look at how dreadlocks grow.

It is high time you start taking yourself seriously. Less make up, less hair which aint yours and less conforming to a world that does not even take you seriously. Afrikan women are the mothers of humanity, that is a fact, its disheartening how we have forgotten that and our identity. If you take yourself seriously, people are bound to do the same. They say be the change you want to see in the world, so naturally, i grow my hair naturally with the hope that others will see the glory in my crown, my own crown and hopefully want wear their own. I have faith, "Now faith is the reality of what is HOPED for, the PROOF of what is not seen..-Hebrews 11v1.

Kind Regards

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