Friday 24 March 2017


Dear Langa 
There are honestly days, everyday where mommy does not want to leave the bed. These days happen almost more times than one cares to count where mommy chokes at the thought of waking up and doing the same thing or trying something again and it fails! 

If the moon could count how many stars it lost just for us to make a wish. If it could not be content with how many illuminate and share its company then I guess we will be fine. 
Life is what it is, whatever that is no one knows and whoever has thought they have is much like it, enigmatic. 
One day you will go through this and know what I was saying for you sing the song of my heart and beat the drum of my beat. listen! be weary of people. Boys will not assist you and friends will mislead you. Be strong dear girl, hold your head high and rise with the sun each day granted to you . 

The brightest star is your guardian, it's rays will give you strength. Hold on tight to your dreams my child, they too like your breaths are valid. Hours turned into days into 40 weeks then months before we knew it years. We are who God says we are, know him and fear him He is the end all and be all. Had it not been for him we would not have met. He would not have formed you the way you manifested. Everything about you Is you and that's what makes you,you. Long after we are gone people will try and figure out who we were ,what we meant and our thoughts. They will never know. Unless it's performative they will never figure it out. We will transcend my dear, into time, back, now and always. Keep these words in your heart child, be weary of friends, be distant from foes, turn away from frivolous pursuits of your gifts and charms. Keep them safe. 

I bestow the name "Starlight" your knight and brother bellowed. She's a star mommy he whispered in an euphoric daze at you sharing my company and illuminating my face. You were the best guest, always a lady. Thanks for your strength oh  my! 

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