Wednesday 14 November 2012

Let sleeping dogs lie

The plans we make when we are young and the way life turns out ne? Who would have thought that I would sill be holding a book till the wee hours of the morning? A book as in a text freaking book! Not a brief or planner but a damn textbook.There are days I wake up and want to yell out at the top of my voice THIS IS NOT MY LIFE!!!!

I had it all figured out. Like I am a control freak so you best belee I had my life planned to a T. I was supposed to be some hot shot something, in an office with a view by now. Where am I you ask? Wouldn't we all like to know, all you have to know is I am getting my sh#t in order. My five year target came and whizzed past and I am still here,stunned that I did not meet it. I panic at the thought of going home, I have become one of those characters we heard about, you know which ones I'm talking about? The ones that went to conquer and did not not or rarely come back. But then I remind myself of who I am, I don't believe in quitting,there is just something about giving up that just shows weakness and since I am strong, baby I am seeing this through.

I am not an idiot to my defence,never have and the nice thing is everyone knows that. I have a very good head above my shoulders but I have unfortunately needed time to find my feet. I always ask myself what people say when they are gathered in my absence. I asked my friend the other day and what she said reminded me of who I am. I told her they probably say "will she ever come back?" or "what is she still doing there?" then my favourite "will she ever be done?". With all those questions I know people ask themselves and never me and whatever answers they give to make them sleep at night, one thing is certain and that is at the conclusion of those conversations one wise one out of the lot will say "she might be taking her time, but the minute she is done,well..."

The moral of the story is, there are many ways to get to Johannesburg the city of gold. Some take the fast route and rush there and some take their time,enjoy the ride and take in the scenery. At the end of the day we will meet up at the last floor e Carlton Centre. This dog is sleeping. Just you wait till it awakens...ivuka no laka. 

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