Friday 14 December 2012


I had a disagreement with my father, that meant that he took his modem. Aint that some ish though lol. Anyway had a great day with a very good friend of mine yesterday, one of my very few but very dear people. It's an honor for a person to regarded as my person and she has been since high school.

There are some people in life that  are commodities and are of value. I myself am one so I can't help but attract others. A guy friend of mine asked me something profound last night.He asked me why them? Why choose to chill and spend most of my time with them over people with cars, careers and money? My answer was, why not you? I believe that great minds attract each other. Attraction like my friend told me at the Salon yesterday, is not one sided. I have learned more from my friends this year than I have my entire life.

I have come to a point in my life where I can differentiate between friends and groupies. Because you see my whole life I have been surrounded by fans and groupies but never friends. People who love you for what you have, what you say and how you say it but never you because they do not know it. I crammed so much this year alone than I ever did in my formative years. It's sad when you look back at your life and the people you were surrounded by and come to the grim realisation that you never learned anything from them.

My motto from this year until my demise will always be Bro's before Ho's. There is just something about my Bro's and their candid and very insightful conversations that opens my mind and reminds me of my purpose. Ho's on the other hand are limited to gossip and men, nothing else. So yes Bro's before Ho's. This year has been the year that I found me and most importantly people who get me. I have been looking for so long and I finally found it. Three words come to my mind words I feel within me and understand that I dont need to utter because they are my truth but since I mentioned them I might as well share them with you..PEACE OF MIND.
Yours in kind

1 comment:

  1. Well said Ms Curvy, people should start cleaning up their freindship closets and prioritise their friendships. whats the use of having some1 you call a fiend while he/she is not. time should not be wasted on poeple that are not worth it
