Saturday 19 January 2013


I will blog until my hearts content. I have so much to say and so much wisdom to impart it's ridiculous. Some things I would prefer to address in the form of dialogues. I cannot wait to get to that platform where I speak to people and they see me and I see their expressions. I pray for that day more than I speak of it.

It has been written and thus it will be realised. We all have different gifts and it's sad how some people live their lives without knowing what they are, or worse ignoring them because they do not fit into the world's idea of a gift. It can be anything, we are like hands and this means that like the fingers we are all not the same.

You can not beat yourself about not being book smart,street smart, talented in sports or talented in the arts just because people you might know are. You are not them and they are not you. Look at what you have and what you enjoy and are good at,it's not and never will be about someone else. God and you come first. It's my wish that every single one of us finds our bliss and if we are having difficulty that we meet someone who will help us find it.

No one has to understand it or even accept it,only you. I always preach the same thing and I am going to sound like a parrot now but here goes anywhere,people do not have to understand or approve of anther's hustle,but they will respect it. If you find your bliss and it happens to also put food on your table...Give yourself a bells.

Kind Regards

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