Friday 18 January 2013

Spelling bee

Oh my but I am cocky today. I have always been an excellent speller but now I amaze even myself. I don't even know why I try and use spell checker *yawns*. No I am not kidding I am that good. To start of with I can differentiate between MEN and MAN or WOMAN and WOMEN, this was in Grade 3 I might add. Part of the reason why I spell as well as I do is because I make it a habit to spell out every word and not use these retarded abbreviations.

People cannot spell to save their lives out there. If your spelling is horrible let me tell you, I will not take you seriously..ever.There is nothing that annoys me more than someone who is trying to make a point using short hand. As I have expressed before that method of writing should have an age limit.

Short hand for those of you who don't know what it is but still insist on using it everyday is that unnecessary juvenile method of writing where you shorten words. Not only does this display immaturity in my eyes but it also means you do not put thought or much effort in what you have to say. Thanks to it now we are stuck with peers who cannot tell a WOMEN and WOMAN apart. Spelling aside what about plural and singular?

Everyone knows that if I take you seriously I will grind you on your manner of writing. I always advice my friends to see the dictionary as their other friend,aside from me of course. There is nothing wrong with adding a new word in your vocabulary everyday and most importantly learning how to spell it. Ever since I was young I was inspired by my father who goes through the dictionary, finds words and their meanings and writes them down. That is also something you can do for yourself.

If you are over the age of 23 and use letters like R instead of are or the letter K instead of OK, then you need to be shot! Not only is it strenuous and irritating trying to make sense of your dribble but what I really want to know is what do you write during tests,exams or work stuff. I say stuff because I aint working yet but when I do I am sure I will have a better word. Speaking of, I am the undisputed Queen of alternate words. I love using words that are not common not only because I can but because damnit I can! Give it a try and stop dropping your jaw every time some of us open our mouths to say something.

I am self taught and so can you. I can merely guide, not enforce but this is a very sore subject and I feel if I keep quiet any longer people will continue under misapprehension that it's ok. What I have touched on reminds me of a Destiny Child song, Bad Habit. It needs to change and it starts with you and you.

Kind Regards

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