Tuesday 7 August 2012

Who do you think you are?

Lemme tell you exactly who the hell Iam, not think but know. I’m a woman. That means I’m automatically born strong. Strength resides within me and there is no man alive who can take that away from me, shake it maybe but not take it. Every step I take I take with pride it’s a confirmation of my presence in this world. I strut unapologetically for I know I am here for a reason.

 I know what I want and most importantly what I don’t want, no compromises here ladies and gentlemen. Settle? that word does not exist in my vocabulary. I'm informed enough to know exactly what I want. I have since I’ve been me, forged my own identity and wear it as a badge for all to see with no excuses. I always strive to be different and leave an impression wherever  I go, whether it be good or bad, the bad not being my intention of course but you know what they say…different strokes for different folks. I have and always will be the poster child of individuality. I never conform to people or relationships or let other’s dictate to me how and who I should be. I do me and I do it best.

I can never be anything else either than me that would be the greatest injustice. I had a fiery exchange of words with some boy who in my opinion knows too much for his own good. It prompted him to ask me this fatal question which I have always given and never received “who do you think you are?” There was absolutely no pause because you see I know exactly who the fuck I iz and I was not taken aback by his attempt to unnerve me or question myself, cause you see I have all the answers regarding this person I carry every day in this body, she is me and I her. I have existed for 25 years and through those years I have established my own identity and I absolutely love it and everything I stand for. I stand for the truth, shit I am the damn truth. I am a beautiful, funny, wise, and intelligent, wired, in-tune, strong willed, opinionated... the list is endless trust me but the one thing I am that carries more weight than me is that I’m a mother. The thing that makes me more valuable.

I could go on and on about me but the point of this exercise is in a way to challenge those who have lost themselves or haven’t discovered exactly who they are to start looking now. No one should ever tell you who you are and NO ONE should ever ask you who you are and not get a damn response. You should never find yourself in a position where you should think about it. Self-love and self-acceptance are the order of the day after saying your prayers of course. I’m all about being happy with you first and letting the rest follow. But how can you be happy with something you don’t even know?   Get to know yourself first a little introspection never hurt anyone. If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.

Kind Regards


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