Wednesday 17 October 2012


Why is it with the change of weather, I have to find myself working through something in my life? For the past year I have been under serious construction, the plumbing still works great thank you very much, but everything else is broken. I still have a lot of work to do I realised last night after someone told me I need to stop being bitter.

Bitter ne? I guess I am. Then again who wouldn’t be if you, found out you were living on borrowed memories?  I had a frank conversation with my friends last night that lasted until the wee hours of the morning and I told them I understand and live as that woman in the poem The Lady in Orange, damnit I might just be her.

I’m just so angry. Angry at them and mostly at myself for allowing them to permeate my system and make me so angry. I carry it around with me everywhere under the guise of being hard headed and in control. This morning it dawned on me. I have been putting too much faith in the goodness in mankind and as much as I have foolishly believed over the years, not everyone is and will ever conduct their dealings in an honest way.

If you think of life as property because it matures and is a good investment then you must know there are some very shrewd sales persons out there. People who are willing to give you all the reasons why you should invest and pour in whatever capital you might have, in something they know will never be yours because it already belongs to someone else. There are people who are intent and hell bent on selling you a dream and if you are gullible enough you invest. It’s like viewing property with the words SOLD in bold on the front lawn but you still go in anyway and view it. Every time you are shown a feature of that property you already start forming the memories you eventually want to have in your head, they never really exist or ever will because true ownership will never really pass. In actual truth you will be renting something you think you paid full price for and should own.

Who do you turn to when you have poured in whatever little  you had left in something that was never there in the first place? There is a universal legal principle and that is “ignorance is not a defence.” There are no rights of recourse and no one to be held accountable but yourself. You can never hold anyone’s dishonesty against them but you can hold your stupidity against yourself, because that is the only person you can ever truly hold accountable.

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