Thursday 11 October 2012

The number you have dialed..

Apparently I lead men on. I was so sad when I heard this and I still am today. Apparently I lead men on. Saying it is even harder than writing it. When all along I honestly thought I was just being nice. I was actually thinking, you know what? I like this guys’ company and I’m going to hang with him, blindly unaware that it was leading them on. What is leading on anyway? The urban dictionary says it’s; when someone flirts with someone else and seems interested but it turns out they had no real intentions with that person. That whole sentence sadly describes me.

When my friend said it, for the first time it hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked at it and now I understand what it really means. It means you cannot be nice to these niggas. They don’t understand nice, nice to them means a chance. A chance to be with you them never thought they would have. I never thought that giving a guy your number and taking his, actually meant he thought he was halfway in. Then I look at all those girls who do not even look at these guys. The ones who don’t even reply to their hellos.  They know their fate right then and there at that moment. Then they find the nice ones like me, the ones who look past whatever divide exists at that time, the ones  who actually respond to their call backs’, the ones who make them think wow!!! Could have God heard all my prayers, really?

My closest friend was and still is one of the ones who don’t reply. She never understood me, I can recall one by one all of her worried stares when we would meet up with some of the guys I thought I was just being nice to. I never understood why all these guys would start acting like they were with me out of the blue, all from just being nice? I was in hectic denial. Until I knew what I was actually doing and understood that it was not right.


This is the same with men; if he is too nice to these girls they feel entitled to him because he’s presenting a chance, when in all actuality he is genuinely, just being NICE! I don’t know how many friends, myself included have gotten hurt because we didn’t understand that NO he really is just nice, no hidden agendas or motives, he really just enjoys your company. I know how that stings so I vowed that since I have been made aware of my little character flaw, I will never willingly inflict it on another hopeful again. It’s just not right. I have turned and will remain for my own sanity, the girl who does not reply.

I will be like Randall on Idols and just squash their dreams right then and there, cause that’s what they really are anyway, dreams. No golden ticket to Gold Reef City here, sorry.


Yours in kind


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